Too often entrepreneurs, struggling to survive, send emails and direct mail pieces simply to promote their products. Now, promoting your products is great. But you need to do a lot more than that with your marketing.
Your marketing messages should be positioning you as a respected authority in your industry.
Be sure to include testimonials, endorsements, and awards your company has won, along with your sales message. Of all the small businesses I've worked with, there's no doubt that the most successful ones have established themselves as experts.
Larry Potter
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Direct Your Social Networking Traffic Correctly
The traffic that you receive from social networking web sites is very valuable.
This is because the people coming from social networking web sites to your web site already met you and they are checking out your web site to learn more about you.
These are warm leads and you should do as much as you can to help them take the next step with you and subscribe to your newsletter.
We see many professionals directing their social networking traffic incorrectly. They send this traffic to pages on their web sites that contain many different links and options. As a result, the people who come to their web sites from social networking get confused and leave without taking any action.
The solution is to direct your social networking traffic to a squeeze page. Your squeeze page has one goal - to convert your traffic into newsletter subscribers.
When you do this, you will get many more newsletter subscribers and clients from your social networking efforts.
Larry Potter
This is because the people coming from social networking web sites to your web site already met you and they are checking out your web site to learn more about you.
These are warm leads and you should do as much as you can to help them take the next step with you and subscribe to your newsletter.
We see many professionals directing their social networking traffic incorrectly. They send this traffic to pages on their web sites that contain many different links and options. As a result, the people who come to their web sites from social networking get confused and leave without taking any action.
The solution is to direct your social networking traffic to a squeeze page. Your squeeze page has one goal - to convert your traffic into newsletter subscribers.
When you do this, you will get many more newsletter subscribers and clients from your social networking efforts.
Larry Potter
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Traffic generation is something that you have to do right... order to get a good response rate. You can receive a lot of
traffic but unless you have a way to find out who is interested
It is largely wasted.
You have probably seen this many times already and if you
are like most you have probably ignored it. For this reason
I am going to repeat it. If you already have your follow up
system in place then you are on the right track. You only
need to have patience and perseverance and it will pay off.
First you really need to have your own list that you have built up
through your own efforts. To do this you need (1) an autoresponder
service (2) a capture page that describes the product that you are
trying to sell. (3) place the capture form for your autoresponder
on that capture page. Don't tell them everything on the capture page.
The capture page should only peak their interest enough to want to
fill out the form to find out more. (4) Make sure you use a redirect
that will send them to the page with more info about the product.
The main product page should also be the one with the payment
processor on it. Only after collecting their information should you
send them to this payment page.
Seldom do you make a sale on the first view. You must have a way
to follow up with those who were interested in your product. For most it
will be the first time they ever see your product and with out a follow
up system you will have lost a valuable lead.
In most cases traffic generation is not the problem.
It is the follow up system that most people don't have
that is the problem.
Most advertising campaigns to around 100,000 will generate about
600 open emails of those only 20 to 40 will actually click on your
link. If you have a capture page you may get as many as few as 3 or
as many as 15 signup's depending on their receptiveness to your sales
message on the capture page. That is also why you need a source of
qualified leads like I get from
If you don't have a capture page you will never have a way to
follow up with these people to make your sale. You can often make a
sale to as little as 15 people from a follow up system with in a
thirty day period versus 1 sale using a campaign to 100,000 leads
during the same 30 day period using the same leads.
Using a follow up system you have a means to have your people
get to know you and gain their trust. Selling to leads is much
more difficult because you don't have their trust and in most
cases they don't know how you got their address in the first place.
Building your own list should be first and foremost. You will make
many more sales to your own list than you will ever make to a
partner list or even to a very good list of leads from any supplier.
Larry Potter
traffic but unless you have a way to find out who is interested
It is largely wasted.
You have probably seen this many times already and if you
are like most you have probably ignored it. For this reason
I am going to repeat it. If you already have your follow up
system in place then you are on the right track. You only
need to have patience and perseverance and it will pay off.
First you really need to have your own list that you have built up
through your own efforts. To do this you need (1) an autoresponder
service (2) a capture page that describes the product that you are
trying to sell. (3) place the capture form for your autoresponder
on that capture page. Don't tell them everything on the capture page.
The capture page should only peak their interest enough to want to
fill out the form to find out more. (4) Make sure you use a redirect
that will send them to the page with more info about the product.
The main product page should also be the one with the payment
processor on it. Only after collecting their information should you
send them to this payment page.
Seldom do you make a sale on the first view. You must have a way
to follow up with those who were interested in your product. For most it
will be the first time they ever see your product and with out a follow
up system you will have lost a valuable lead.
In most cases traffic generation is not the problem.
It is the follow up system that most people don't have
that is the problem.
Most advertising campaigns to around 100,000 will generate about
600 open emails of those only 20 to 40 will actually click on your
link. If you have a capture page you may get as many as few as 3 or
as many as 15 signup's depending on their receptiveness to your sales
message on the capture page. That is also why you need a source of
qualified leads like I get from
If you don't have a capture page you will never have a way to
follow up with these people to make your sale. You can often make a
sale to as little as 15 people from a follow up system with in a
thirty day period versus 1 sale using a campaign to 100,000 leads
during the same 30 day period using the same leads.
Using a follow up system you have a means to have your people
get to know you and gain their trust. Selling to leads is much
more difficult because you don't have their trust and in most
cases they don't know how you got their address in the first place.
Building your own list should be first and foremost. You will make
many more sales to your own list than you will ever make to a
partner list or even to a very good list of leads from any supplier.
Larry Potter
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Most Important Key to Success
A good program will provide you with the raw materials for achieving your goal - but no one can guarantee that you will actually achieve it.
For instance, an Internet business-building program will give you instructions for setting up a website, starting an e-mail newsletter, and writing sales copy. But the best Internet business-building program in the world won't help you build a million-dollar business unless you put what you learn to work in the real world. You've got to follow those steps for setting up a website and set up a website. You've got to use that copywriting information to write sales copy.
When I started off, I had to invest a lot of time in studying. Did that automatically guarantee that I would make sales? Of course not. I became successful because I took action. I marketed myself. I mastered dozens of sales techniques. I learned my product inside and out.
Taking action may be the most important component of success.
Larry Potter
For instance, an Internet business-building program will give you instructions for setting up a website, starting an e-mail newsletter, and writing sales copy. But the best Internet business-building program in the world won't help you build a million-dollar business unless you put what you learn to work in the real world. You've got to follow those steps for setting up a website and set up a website. You've got to use that copywriting information to write sales copy.
When I started off, I had to invest a lot of time in studying. Did that automatically guarantee that I would make sales? Of course not. I became successful because I took action. I marketed myself. I mastered dozens of sales techniques. I learned my product inside and out.
Taking action may be the most important component of success.
Larry Potter
home seller assist,
little ticket to wealth,
Friday, March 27, 2009
"Why isn't anyone joining my business?"
Most tend to think no one is willing to pay, but if you put the right offer in a person's face, they'll buy over and over again.
It's got far less to do with your company itself and MUCH more to do with how you"sell" it.
Today you'll learn the QVC secret to recruiting . . .
The thing about QVC is, they entertain, make it super easy to buy, they sell visually,with MASSIVE leverage (ever seen those counters on QVCs limited products climb like crazy?), AND all at the same time.
In our world, it's not so much about the company or the opportunity it's more about asking "How can I entertain, sell, leverage, and do it visually with a personal touch.
There is NO more powerful nor simple way to recruit in mass than what I'm about to tell you here.
First, think about your prospects. They are itching to buy something, waiting for someone to give them the opportunity, IF you're doing your lead generation the right way. For your prospects it's a money making opportunity that they've got the itch for. How do you let them in QVC style?
Well, you've got to have personality (yours will do fine) and you've got use a medium where your prospects can really get a good feeling that they know you. You've got to entertain visually.
We're geared to watch stuff, so a simple "show and tell" style is just fine - you'll entertain.
You've got to use leverage, QVC has a TV channel, you're about to learn how to create your own, but you've also got to use psychological leverage like the little counter on limited home QVC offerings. I suggest you check out the simple little book called "Yes".
You've got to sell and inform, this is the one that trips people up, but it's easy. The best way to sell and inform at the same time is to use stories that move your prospects where you want them to go.
So on that last one, let me give you an example . . . Let's say you want to "sell" your prospects on the idea of why they don't want to choose the wrong business, how do you do that? Simple. Tell them a horror story from your past when you joined the wrong business. The power here is, you don't even need to really need to spell out why choosing the wrong business is bad. You tell the story, your audience naturally identifies with you and then thinks to themselves, "Yeah I've been there, what's a good business?"
What do you do here? Move on to a story that explains what a good business is. It's subliminal, you're transferring meaning without right out saying it. So, in other words, all you need to sell and inform are your past stories and an outline.
So how do we bring all this together? A webinar! What's a webinar? It's a video conference where your audience can login and watch your screen. It passes all the tests. 10 people, 20 people, 2000 people. It's still just you delivering one message. That's levearage. It's visual. It allows you to display your personality naturally, and it lets you sell and inform yourself.
Now all you need is a game plan. Let's start at the beginning . . . First you need leads.
As you generate leads and email them, why not once a week hold a webinar for them to attend?
Topics? Here's a couple simple ones: "How To Choose The Right Business" or "How To Avoid Online Scams" Now what do you talk the them about? Let's use choosing the right business as your template. First, we want to inform and entertain about why choosing the "wrong business" is full of heartache and pain - use a simple story from your past. Next, we want to talk about why it's tough to grow a business online. Use a story about all the things you tried to do to grow your business that didn't work.
Now that your audience is starting to feel like things are tough, they'll always have a feeling "There's got to be way that works".
What do you do when this feeling hits them? Talk them about what things you considered when you where choosing a business, again a story. Maybe now you remind them that just a business isn't enough, you've got to know how to market that business too. You go it! Storytime.
Tell a story about a special sponsor or mentor that helped you get your marketing down to the point where you were seeing the first little success. (Here's why: You're aim is to recruit right? So to talk about the help of a mentor will naturally insert the idea in the minds of your prospects that they need the right business, right marketing, AND the right person to succeed - and at the end that person is you!)
Now, I could go on about this stuff, but here's all you need to do at this point: Ask yourself a question "What would fulfill my prospects wildest dreams?" List this stuff out. Put in story form as to why it's so important. Tell that story, and . . . And the end of it, open the doors for limited enrollment.
Congratulations! You've just recruited QVC style! The great thing about this is they will be excited as heck when they join you.
Give it a shot and see what happens. I know you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Larry Potter
It's got far less to do with your company itself and MUCH more to do with how you"sell" it.
Today you'll learn the QVC secret to recruiting . . .
The thing about QVC is, they entertain, make it super easy to buy, they sell visually,with MASSIVE leverage (ever seen those counters on QVCs limited products climb like crazy?), AND all at the same time.
In our world, it's not so much about the company or the opportunity it's more about asking "How can I entertain, sell, leverage, and do it visually with a personal touch.
There is NO more powerful nor simple way to recruit in mass than what I'm about to tell you here.
First, think about your prospects. They are itching to buy something, waiting for someone to give them the opportunity, IF you're doing your lead generation the right way. For your prospects it's a money making opportunity that they've got the itch for. How do you let them in QVC style?
Well, you've got to have personality (yours will do fine) and you've got use a medium where your prospects can really get a good feeling that they know you. You've got to entertain visually.
We're geared to watch stuff, so a simple "show and tell" style is just fine - you'll entertain.
You've got to use leverage, QVC has a TV channel, you're about to learn how to create your own, but you've also got to use psychological leverage like the little counter on limited home QVC offerings. I suggest you check out the simple little book called "Yes".
You've got to sell and inform, this is the one that trips people up, but it's easy. The best way to sell and inform at the same time is to use stories that move your prospects where you want them to go.
So on that last one, let me give you an example . . . Let's say you want to "sell" your prospects on the idea of why they don't want to choose the wrong business, how do you do that? Simple. Tell them a horror story from your past when you joined the wrong business. The power here is, you don't even need to really need to spell out why choosing the wrong business is bad. You tell the story, your audience naturally identifies with you and then thinks to themselves, "Yeah I've been there, what's a good business?"
What do you do here? Move on to a story that explains what a good business is. It's subliminal, you're transferring meaning without right out saying it. So, in other words, all you need to sell and inform are your past stories and an outline.
So how do we bring all this together? A webinar! What's a webinar? It's a video conference where your audience can login and watch your screen. It passes all the tests. 10 people, 20 people, 2000 people. It's still just you delivering one message. That's levearage. It's visual. It allows you to display your personality naturally, and it lets you sell and inform yourself.
Now all you need is a game plan. Let's start at the beginning . . . First you need leads.
As you generate leads and email them, why not once a week hold a webinar for them to attend?
Topics? Here's a couple simple ones: "How To Choose The Right Business" or "How To Avoid Online Scams" Now what do you talk the them about? Let's use choosing the right business as your template. First, we want to inform and entertain about why choosing the "wrong business" is full of heartache and pain - use a simple story from your past. Next, we want to talk about why it's tough to grow a business online. Use a story about all the things you tried to do to grow your business that didn't work.
Now that your audience is starting to feel like things are tough, they'll always have a feeling "There's got to be way that works".
What do you do when this feeling hits them? Talk them about what things you considered when you where choosing a business, again a story. Maybe now you remind them that just a business isn't enough, you've got to know how to market that business too. You go it! Storytime.
Tell a story about a special sponsor or mentor that helped you get your marketing down to the point where you were seeing the first little success. (Here's why: You're aim is to recruit right? So to talk about the help of a mentor will naturally insert the idea in the minds of your prospects that they need the right business, right marketing, AND the right person to succeed - and at the end that person is you!)
Now, I could go on about this stuff, but here's all you need to do at this point: Ask yourself a question "What would fulfill my prospects wildest dreams?" List this stuff out. Put in story form as to why it's so important. Tell that story, and . . . And the end of it, open the doors for limited enrollment.
Congratulations! You've just recruited QVC style! The great thing about this is they will be excited as heck when they join you.
Give it a shot and see what happens. I know you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Larry Potter
home seller assist,
lead generation,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Keep Your Current Job While You Quickly Transition Into Your New Business
How in the world do these money-making programs expect you to work tons of hours building up a new business while holding down your current job? Many just aren't practical. But I've found a program that is loaded with methods to get you into a new business while you are working at another job.
You can put in as little as 2 to 3 hours a week in your new business, and still bring in nice profits fairly quickly - often in just a week or two.
And once your business is bringing in enough income, you can quit your current job and focus full-time on your new business.
There's no limit on what you can make, and it is easier than ever to get started.
You'll learn how when checking out all the exciting details here.
Just look over on the right side and click on Earn 400 Dollars Per Referral
Larry Potter, Pres.
You can put in as little as 2 to 3 hours a week in your new business, and still bring in nice profits fairly quickly - often in just a week or two.
And once your business is bringing in enough income, you can quit your current job and focus full-time on your new business.
There's no limit on what you can make, and it is easier than ever to get started.
You'll learn how when checking out all the exciting details here.
Just look over on the right side and click on Earn 400 Dollars Per Referral
Larry Potter, Pres.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Online Life After Death
Online gaming, message boards, Twitter, blogging... For better or worse, many people live much of their lives on the Internet.
If you're active enough online that you think your presence would be missed by your online friends and followers when you die, do this:
Put together - on a CD, flash drive, or even on paper - a list of log-in information and passwords for the various sites, blogs, games, etc. where you are active. Include instructions, or even a specially tailored message, for each site. It could be a farewell blog post, e-mail, etc. Give this information to a loved one or trusted friend and ask them to "close out" your online accounts in the event of your demise.
(Source: Associated Press)
Larry Potter
If you're active enough online that you think your presence would be missed by your online friends and followers when you die, do this:
Put together - on a CD, flash drive, or even on paper - a list of log-in information and passwords for the various sites, blogs, games, etc. where you are active. Include instructions, or even a specially tailored message, for each site. It could be a farewell blog post, e-mail, etc. Give this information to a loved one or trusted friend and ask them to "close out" your online accounts in the event of your demise.
(Source: Associated Press)
Larry Potter
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The HEART of internet marketing is...

If, you're not building a list...YOU WASTING YOUR TIME.
That's right.
Like I've said for YEARS ...
Here's my point...
ALL programs are good if you know how to marketand build a list.
And ALL programs (every single one) are BAD if you do NOT know how to market and build a list...
But it's funny, how through the years people just have a funny way of "not hearing" that...
It's the blatant hype and incessant mis-information that they get bombarded with that throws them off the trail every single time and they end up joining this and that, and every program under the sun thinking...
And it might be... (for others who have a list) but not for the people who REFUSE to submit to FUNDAMENTAL marketing principles and are always looking for the next shortcut...
Do YOU realize what a TREMENDOUS opportunity YOU have with the Home Seller Assist program, IF ONLY, you do NOT keep doing what everyone else is doing?
Imagine... if you KNEW WITHOUT A DOUBT, that if you set yourself up to market different than they do... (they is "the masses")
If you did NOT bite on the next hyped up "do it all for you" LIE (program) that landed in your inbox...And instead... you were patient (like I was)
and deliver valuable content to the people in your list...
Do you realize how FAR AHEAD OF THE GAME you'd be?
When people ask me, how or what I did to be able to send out
If, you're not building a list...YOU WASTING YOUR TIME.
That's right.
Like I've said for YEARS ...
Here's my point...
ALL programs are good if you know how to marketand build a list.
And ALL programs (every single one) are BAD if you do NOT know how to market and build a list...
But it's funny, how through the years people just have a funny way of "not hearing" that...
It's the blatant hype and incessant mis-information that they get bombarded with that throws them off the trail every single time and they end up joining this and that, and every program under the sun thinking...
And it might be... (for others who have a list) but not for the people who REFUSE to submit to FUNDAMENTAL marketing principles and are always looking for the next shortcut...
Do YOU realize what a TREMENDOUS opportunity YOU have with the Home Seller Assist program, IF ONLY, you do NOT keep doing what everyone else is doing?
Imagine... if you KNEW WITHOUT A DOUBT, that if you set yourself up to market different than they do... (they is "the masses")
If you did NOT bite on the next hyped up "do it all for you" LIE (program) that landed in your inbox...And instead... you were patient (like I was)
and deliver valuable content to the people in your list...
Do you realize how FAR AHEAD OF THE GAME you'd be?
When people ask me, how or what I did to be able to send out
emails that turn into money...
"Where'd you get your traffic" "How'd you write your emails?"
Individually the type of traffic didn't matter.(I use all kinds of garbage traffic and free traffic and it all works for me)
Individually the emails don't matter.(I use all kinds of emails: training emails, promo emails, and they all work)
Individually the pieces DO NOT MATTER.
What matters is the SYSTEM and the RELATIONSHIPS
that are built when the pieces are used TOGETHER as a cohesive system
"Where'd you get your traffic" "How'd you write your emails?"
Individually the type of traffic didn't matter.(I use all kinds of garbage traffic and free traffic and it all works for me)
Individually the emails don't matter.(I use all kinds of emails: training emails, promo emails, and they all work)
Individually the pieces DO NOT MATTER.
What matters is the SYSTEM and the RELATIONSHIPS
that are built when the pieces are used TOGETHER as a cohesive system
of traffic generation, list building, and relationship/trust building.
Branding yourself all over the internet for the sake of branding yourself all over the internet DOES NOT MATTER!
Same goes for just promoting the "guru" on your system...
(huh? - yep I'll tell you why later)
IF what your'e saying is NOT resonating or adding value to your target prospects... NOTHING WILL WORK. It's the WHOLE approach.
"This doesn't sound so simple any more Toto!"
Well, hold on... don't buy that one way ticket back
Branding yourself all over the internet for the sake of branding yourself all over the internet DOES NOT MATTER!
Same goes for just promoting the "guru" on your system...
(huh? - yep I'll tell you why later)
IF what your'e saying is NOT resonating or adding value to your target prospects... NOTHING WILL WORK. It's the WHOLE approach.
"This doesn't sound so simple any more Toto!"
Well, hold on... don't buy that one way ticket back
to Kansas just yet(unless you really live there)
But to understand how simple it is, you need to FIRST
But to understand how simple it is, you need to FIRST
understand the WHOLE, BIG PICTURE...
This is why the vast majority of online or "from home"
This is why the vast majority of online or "from home"
marketers are failing, no matter what programs they join...
People that "get this" have NO PROBLEM promoting ANY PROGRAM.
Their frustration is that they can't get their teams to
People that "get this" have NO PROBLEM promoting ANY PROGRAM.
Their frustration is that they can't get their teams to
duplicate. (whole other story for another movie, but
we've got something for you too leader!)
So they reach out and find WHATEVER system or training
So they reach out and find WHATEVER system or training
sounds good enough to send their teams into so they can keep
doing what they know how to do... MARKET AND SELL AND MAKE $$$
If you've paid ANY AMOUNT of attention before to what I've
If you've paid ANY AMOUNT of attention before to what I've
been training you to do about building your own LIST...
Call it...
"SurpriseList" or something...
Call it...
"SurpriseList" or something...
And let your members know that what's coming in my
new and improved"Free Training" will REALLY BE GOOD
and it will BENEFIT them to be one of the first to take
a look when I start sending it out...
I KNOW EXACTLY what marketers are looking for and what
I KNOW EXACTLY what marketers are looking for and what
they would appreciate greatly in this industry...
1. New Marketers... they want and need and APPRECIATE certain
1. New Marketers... they want and need and APPRECIATE certain
services and training and if YOU are the one that leads them to it...
they will be FIERCELY LOYAL to you...
2. Experienced Marketers... (they can be tricky, depending on ego issues)
2. Experienced Marketers... (they can be tricky, depending on ego issues)
But by and large they need a distinct set of tools, resources and assistance
that lets them continue to be the "Good Leader" at the same time tapping
into "refreshing" amounts of automation and leverage so they can keep
focused on building... and have their teams happy and loyal and productive
(right leaders?)
So anyway...That's all I'm going to say for now.
But here's what you want to do...
1. Create a sublist. Let your prospects know that your
So anyway...That's all I'm going to say for now.
But here's what you want to do...
1. Create a sublist. Let your prospects know that your
team is up to something crazy but it sounds like it's going
to be really good and it would be a good idea to be the first
to actually take a look.
2. Keep building your list.
Build that list.
Enjoy the family. Be the BEST at your work so you can
2. Keep building your list.
Build that list.
Enjoy the family. Be the BEST at your work so you can
build something of your own on the side WITHOUT being
too stressed out about it...
And stay tuned in... this will only take me a couple more weeks...
And stay tuned in... this will only take me a couple more weeks...
and you'll really like what you see...
All the best,
All the best,
Larry Potter
Monday, March 16, 2009
Huge News On The Funding Rate

The Home Seller Assist program, also known as We Provide The Cash, created
by John Alexander has just lowered their funding rate from 3% down to 2%,
plus a $500 fee, payable AFTER you flip the property and collect your profits.
As an example, let's say you find a property you can buy for $200,000 and
can flip (sell) for say $250,000. Once you have your end buyer in place, HSA
will fund 100% of your purchase price for you with no credit check and no
bank qualifying. They will charge you 2% of the purchase price ($4000), plus
a $500 fee for a total of $2500.
In this case your profit is $50,000. They deduct their $2500 from your profits
after you sell the property which leaves you with a $47,500.00 profit!
The funding can be used to flip any kind of property including but not limited to
short sales, REOs, commercial properties, etc....
You must first register at the bottom of
and then attend one of the new webcasts Mon-Wed
Time Zones: 8:00 EST pm / 7:00 CST pm / 6:00 MTN pm / 5:00 PST pm
Larry Potter
P.S. Because this program is so hot, they are willing to pay you $400 for
each person you direct to the webcast that joins us and getting people to
the webcasts is easy with my training. More details on the payment plan
You get paid $400 instantly the minute somebody joins!
The Best Feeling in the World
Accomplishing a simple goal can have powerful, long-lasting results...
Once you finally learn to play the trumpet, or start a business, or get promoted to CEO, or get your pre-baby body back...
You'll notice that people start treating you differently. They'll respect you more. They'll compliment you. They might even try to imitate your success.
And the way you'll feel about yourself is unparalleled. You'll have new confidence. New happiness. Some new stress, perhaps. But new pride in yourself and your abilities.
Achieving a goal you've had for years... There's nothing quite like it.
It's time for you to feel proud of yourself.
Larry Potter
Once you finally learn to play the trumpet, or start a business, or get promoted to CEO, or get your pre-baby body back...
You'll notice that people start treating you differently. They'll respect you more. They'll compliment you. They might even try to imitate your success.
And the way you'll feel about yourself is unparalleled. You'll have new confidence. New happiness. Some new stress, perhaps. But new pride in yourself and your abilities.
Achieving a goal you've had for years... There's nothing quite like it.
It's time for you to feel proud of yourself.
Larry Potter
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Lemmings Are Going Over The Edge

If you get a chance later on, grab a copy of this weekends USA Today from your local convenience store. And then TEAR IT APART as an act of faith towards your own prosperity and abundance.
The Chicken Little syndrome is rehearsed and played out quite well in the media today. They want you to believe in the doom and gloom that's apparently staring down every man, woman and child in the U.S. and around the globe.
They want you to believe that everyone is broke. That everyone is living in a state of uncertainity. What a pile of bogus crap!
You and I live in land of CERTAINITY.
Reason being is because we CREATE our own CERTAINITY between our own EARS.
If you allow the negative energy from newspapers, TV and other media sources to funnel their way into your precious mind, then you too will fall in line with the masses like lemmings.
Now I'm not saying that we can't have compassion and empathy for those who have lost homes, jobs, income, marriages, etc.... as a result of the economic conditions the world as a whole is facing. Not at all. The masses need support now more than ever.
All I'm suggesting is NOT to buy into their way of thinking that got them to where they are right now!
You can listen with open ears to their stories of struggle, despair, frustration and lack. But close your mind off to accepting their stories as TRUTH for you.
You're an ELITE member of a higher class.
The simple fact that you're getting this is a bold exhibit of your own decision for more.
12 years ago, I buried my "woo-is-me" attitude and went in search of higher thinking. Because I knew intuitively that there had to be something that set apart the ELITE few from the masses. And I was right!
The main difference is in how the ELITE few think, perceive and re-act to all types of situations, on all levels.
Case in point...Standing in line at the local gas station this morning, I over-heard to two preppy middle aged guys in front of me talking about the USA Today paper and its "sky is falling" like headline. Both men commented on the fact that neither one of them could envision for themselves such LACK as to the point of having to eat roman noodles just to survive.
And the REASON why they couldn't envision for themselves such lack?
Because they're thinking on a much higher level than the average person.
They "SEE" nothing but abundance and prosperity around them.
And as a result, their world doesn't worsen, but rather it improves.
For you... Hopefully you'll start to avoid the news like I do.
You'll be amazed at how much more focused and channeled you can be without all that negative clutter rattling around in your head.
Ok, I'm outta here. It's Friday afternoon.
Have a great weekend.
Larry Potter
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Test Alternative Headlines
Make no mistake... your headline is the MOST important element on your website and in your emails! The stronger your headline, the greater your chances that a new visitor will stick around on your site long enough to buy something or open your email. A good headline should GRAB your visitors' attention, tell them -- in less than 10 seconds -- what the main benefits of your site are, what makes you better than your competition, and encourage them to read further, to find out more about what you've got to offer. That's a LOT of work for one single headline to do, so understandably, it can take a while to find one that accomplishes those goals effectively... and all at the same time! So be sure you're constantly testing new headlines, even if you already feel like your current headline is performing for you. You may surprise yourself and find one that improves sales even MORE. But don't just test the content of your headline... Bear in mind that the Internet is a visual medium, and the way a headline looks can also have an impact on its success. So be sure to test other elements, like color, and for visual interest, consider bolding, highlighting, or italicizing the most important words. Larry Potter
Do You Know What to Do in Today’s Economy?
There's never been a better time to get started in real estate investing.
Banks and lenders are overrun with foreclosed properties, even pretty homes in nice neighborhoods.
Discover how to buy these bank-owned properties with no previous experience and for pennies on the dollar using none of your own money or credit.
The Home Seller Assist program will show you how to cash in on the largest real estate liquidation sale ever seen.
Click here to get started for free.
Larry Potter
Banks and lenders are overrun with foreclosed properties, even pretty homes in nice neighborhoods.
Discover how to buy these bank-owned properties with no previous experience and for pennies on the dollar using none of your own money or credit.
The Home Seller Assist program will show you how to cash in on the largest real estate liquidation sale ever seen.
Click here to get started for free.
Larry Potter
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Coming Up With Solutions
By digging more deeply into coming up with solutions to your customers' problems, you achieve several significant benefits, which will help your Home Seller Assist business:
You develop ideas that are more interesting and more useful than the ideas your competitors are producing.
The details of these better ideas make for much stronger advertising copy.
With stronger advertising copy, you will get higher response rates.
When your customers read your better solutions, they will be more satisfied and request far fewer refunds.
Larry Potter
You develop ideas that are more interesting and more useful than the ideas your competitors are producing.
The details of these better ideas make for much stronger advertising copy.
With stronger advertising copy, you will get higher response rates.
When your customers read your better solutions, they will be more satisfied and request far fewer refunds.
Larry Potter
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Best Feeling in the World
Accomplishing a simple goal can have powerful, long-lasting results...
Once you finally learn to play the trumpet, or start a Home Seller Assist business, or get promoted to CEO, or get your pre-baby body back...
You'll notice that people start treating you differently. They'll respect you more. They'll compliment you. They might even try to imitate your success.And the way you'll feel about yourself is unparalleled. You'll have new confidence.
New happiness. Some new stress, perhaps. But new pride in yourself and your abilities.
Achieving a goal you've had for years... There's nothing quite like it.
It's time for you to feel proud of yourself.
Larry Potter
Once you finally learn to play the trumpet, or start a Home Seller Assist business, or get promoted to CEO, or get your pre-baby body back...
You'll notice that people start treating you differently. They'll respect you more. They'll compliment you. They might even try to imitate your success.And the way you'll feel about yourself is unparalleled. You'll have new confidence.
New happiness. Some new stress, perhaps. But new pride in yourself and your abilities.
Achieving a goal you've had for years... There's nothing quite like it.
It's time for you to feel proud of yourself.
Larry Potter
Monday, March 9, 2009
Give Value
Not every marketing message should be a targeted sales pitch for the Home Seller Assist program, also known as We Provide The Cash.
Not every conversation has to revolve around their decision to buy or not buy.
When building your relationship with your prospects, give them something of immeasurable worth... knowledge.
Here are some suggestions of ways to include valuable content (and start leading your contacts to an eventual sale):
Tips and tricks of your industry
Upcoming industry related events
Links to news articles about your industry
Free reports and whitepapers
Celebrity stories related to your products/services
And just about anything else!
Nobody knows your Home Seller Assist business better than you do. Taking the time to share your knowledge with your contacts will build that relationship of trust and appreciation.
These ideas cost you nothing, but could be worth a fortune in additional sales.
Remember, your prospects and customers should mean more to you than an occasional sale.
Give them value and watch your customer ROI soar!
Not every conversation has to revolve around their decision to buy or not buy.
When building your relationship with your prospects, give them something of immeasurable worth... knowledge.
Here are some suggestions of ways to include valuable content (and start leading your contacts to an eventual sale):
Tips and tricks of your industry
Upcoming industry related events
Links to news articles about your industry
Free reports and whitepapers
Celebrity stories related to your products/services
And just about anything else!
Nobody knows your Home Seller Assist business better than you do. Taking the time to share your knowledge with your contacts will build that relationship of trust and appreciation.
These ideas cost you nothing, but could be worth a fortune in additional sales.
Remember, your prospects and customers should mean more to you than an occasional sale.
Give them value and watch your customer ROI soar!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Craigslist Phone Verified Account Tip

IF you use phone verified accounts, you perhaps already found out that sometimes your PVA are placed on hold with no particular reason.
Well, there is always a reason: Couple of tips for you to make your PVA stay longer and save money:
* Craigslist set up a new rule, if you will post more then 1 ad every 1 day every 1 account, your account may be placed on hold after a week or so. Don't try to overpost, it's not needed anymore. Focus more on your ad copy and targeting the right market, you will attract less people but more targeted, which equals more sales.
* If you have a lot of ads flagged in your account, Craigslist will conclude that you are posting irrelevant ads all the time, rubbish. You don't contribute to the community with good ads. That's why Craigslist can block your account.
home seller assist,
we provide the cash
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Ants Have It Right

You've heard of worker ants, who dig tunnels... collectors, who go out in search of food... and the queen, of course, who rules the colony. But an anthill is a big place, and there are a lot more jobs to do.
Here are a few you've probably never heard of:
Garbage removers, who take "trash" out of the nest
Morticians, who remove dead ants
Explorers, who count their steps to figure out the way back home
Internet marketers, who work on building the list and executing product launches
Farmers, who herd and "milk" other bugs and cultivate fungus for food
(Okay. Just kidding about the Internet marketers. But the rest is true.)
(Source: The New York Review of Books)
Larry Potter---->
Friday, March 6, 2009
Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up, It knows it better run faster than the faster lionor it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it betterrun faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starveto death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle.
Yes, part of life is about surviving tough times, times of crisis. And not just economic turmoil or the loss ofone's job. I'm talking about natural disasters, accidents and so on.
One of the ways non-survivor's operate is a recipe for disaster. It can be found in their self-talk.
Here's how it goes: Whenever a disaster strikes, they sit or stand around and repeat, "I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe what just happened. I can'tbelieve it. I can't believe it."
"I CAN'T" is NOT survival self-talk. It cannot and will not get you out of trouble - no matter how big or how small.
"I can't believe I got fired. I can't believe I don't have a job. I can't believe no one will give me a job." All of these 'I CAN'T' statements lead to nothing but more frustration.
"I can't believe our house is on fire," won't help. "I can't believe I just got in an accident," doesn't help. "I can't believe I got sick," is ineffective. The self-talk of survivors is more like the surviving gazelle and lion.
You get up, you acknowledge the situation, and you,metaphorically speaking, start running. You don't sit around and complain. Instead, you say,"This isn't good. I better hustle. I better move and NOW."
You ask yourself questions, "How can I survive this?" And you act upon what comes to mind.
You ask for divine guidance and help. Don't laugh. Faith in a Higher Power was ranked as the #1 key to survival by those who study this subject.
Belief and faith do NOT include the words, "I CAN't." They do include, "I CAN AND I WILL."
Are you telling yourself you cannot succeed because you do not have enough leads for your Home Seller Assist business? Then do something about it and do it now! Just Tap Here
Larry Potter
Yes, part of life is about surviving tough times, times of crisis. And not just economic turmoil or the loss ofone's job. I'm talking about natural disasters, accidents and so on.
One of the ways non-survivor's operate is a recipe for disaster. It can be found in their self-talk.
Here's how it goes: Whenever a disaster strikes, they sit or stand around and repeat, "I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe what just happened. I can'tbelieve it. I can't believe it."
"I CAN'T" is NOT survival self-talk. It cannot and will not get you out of trouble - no matter how big or how small.
"I can't believe I got fired. I can't believe I don't have a job. I can't believe no one will give me a job." All of these 'I CAN'T' statements lead to nothing but more frustration.
"I can't believe our house is on fire," won't help. "I can't believe I just got in an accident," doesn't help. "I can't believe I got sick," is ineffective. The self-talk of survivors is more like the surviving gazelle and lion.
You get up, you acknowledge the situation, and you,metaphorically speaking, start running. You don't sit around and complain. Instead, you say,"This isn't good. I better hustle. I better move and NOW."
You ask yourself questions, "How can I survive this?" And you act upon what comes to mind.
You ask for divine guidance and help. Don't laugh. Faith in a Higher Power was ranked as the #1 key to survival by those who study this subject.
Belief and faith do NOT include the words, "I CAN't." They do include, "I CAN AND I WILL."
Are you telling yourself you cannot succeed because you do not have enough leads for your Home Seller Assist business? Then do something about it and do it now! Just Tap Here
Larry Potter
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Dream BIG
The folks in your team will look up to you for guidance.
They want to dream big and have great things happen to them, but their fears and worries prevent them from taking action. It is up to you to do that for them.
To dream big, you must associate with the right folks, so join mastermind and peer groups that challenge you and get you outside of your comfort zone.
Imagine sitting around a boardroom table with all of your business and intellectual heroes.
Imagine surrounding yourself with the top advisors in your industry.
That's what it's like when you associate with people who are smarter than you.
Larry Potter
They want to dream big and have great things happen to them, but their fears and worries prevent them from taking action. It is up to you to do that for them.
To dream big, you must associate with the right folks, so join mastermind and peer groups that challenge you and get you outside of your comfort zone.
Imagine sitting around a boardroom table with all of your business and intellectual heroes.
Imagine surrounding yourself with the top advisors in your industry.
That's what it's like when you associate with people who are smarter than you.
Larry Potter
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Success of Humility
The greater your expertise, the more likely it is that you are
going to unintentionally rub people the wrong way by coming across
as arrogant and insensitive.
The good news is there's an easy way to prevent this misconception.
Mention your homework.
When you talk with potential customers or prospects you might begin
by mentioning the homework you have done on the real estate market.
You might also use the mortgage market, the economy, the employment
of the area, the crime in the area, the foreclosure situation in the
area, etc.
Don't use all of them maybe just one or two when appropriate.
It's an opportunity to let them know that you are truly interested
and a powerful way to confirm that you are knowledgeable without
coming across as one who brags.
Here's one that I often use; Imagine as you are talking to the seller
for the first time and you ask the question, "does the house next door
to the property have a pool?" You casually mention this as you are
browsing on Google Maps the property address. Do you know what kind of
an impact you have on that seller? They think, "wow, this investor really
knows his business!"
Confirm your understanding.
You may be a great listener, but are you perceived as such? Being
regarded as a poor listener is a surefire way to kill a deal or shorten
your career as an investor or Home Seller Assist leader.
By using a little humility, this is easy to correct. Here's the key:
Simply repeat your understanding of their needs with the phrase "Let
me make sure I've got this straight."
If your ego were running your life, you'd never say that.
Ask permission to present.
You've probably heard the expression that people don't like to be sold to,
but they love to buy. That means that before you present the benefits of
your product or services, remember to ask permission.
Ask permission to present with "Based upon what you've told me, I do have
some thoughts. Would you like to hear a couple of options that I think would
fit for you?" Once the other person agrees, they'll feel less like they are
being forced, and more like they are being helped.
Use some of these ideas and methods when you are on that first phone call or
when you call the sellers back to give them their prices and options.
You will soon realize the success of humility.
Keep on marketing, it’s going to work!
Larry Potter
going to unintentionally rub people the wrong way by coming across
as arrogant and insensitive.
The good news is there's an easy way to prevent this misconception.
Mention your homework.
When you talk with potential customers or prospects you might begin
by mentioning the homework you have done on the real estate market.
You might also use the mortgage market, the economy, the employment
of the area, the crime in the area, the foreclosure situation in the
area, etc.
Don't use all of them maybe just one or two when appropriate.
It's an opportunity to let them know that you are truly interested
and a powerful way to confirm that you are knowledgeable without
coming across as one who brags.
Here's one that I often use; Imagine as you are talking to the seller
for the first time and you ask the question, "does the house next door
to the property have a pool?" You casually mention this as you are
browsing on Google Maps the property address. Do you know what kind of
an impact you have on that seller? They think, "wow, this investor really
knows his business!"
Confirm your understanding.
You may be a great listener, but are you perceived as such? Being
regarded as a poor listener is a surefire way to kill a deal or shorten
your career as an investor or Home Seller Assist leader.
By using a little humility, this is easy to correct. Here's the key:
Simply repeat your understanding of their needs with the phrase "Let
me make sure I've got this straight."
If your ego were running your life, you'd never say that.
Ask permission to present.
You've probably heard the expression that people don't like to be sold to,
but they love to buy. That means that before you present the benefits of
your product or services, remember to ask permission.
Ask permission to present with "Based upon what you've told me, I do have
some thoughts. Would you like to hear a couple of options that I think would
fit for you?" Once the other person agrees, they'll feel less like they are
being forced, and more like they are being helped.
Use some of these ideas and methods when you are on that first phone call or
when you call the sellers back to give them their prices and options.
You will soon realize the success of humility.
Keep on marketing, it’s going to work!
Larry Potter
Monday, March 2, 2009
Seth Godin on Remarkability
"If people aren't discussing your products, your services, your cause, your movement or your career, there's a reason.
"The reason is that you're boring. (I guess that's what boring means, right?) And you're probably boring on purpose. You have boring pricing because that's safer. You have a boring location because to do otherwise would be nuts. You have boring products because that's what the market wants. That boring staff? They're perfectly well qualified...
"You don't get unboring for free. Remarkable costs time and money and effort, but most of all, remarkable costs a willingness to be wrong.
"Remarkable is a choice."
(Source: Seth Godin's blog)
If you'd like seven videos at no cost on
how to attract leads, please visit us now
"The reason is that you're boring. (I guess that's what boring means, right?) And you're probably boring on purpose. You have boring pricing because that's safer. You have a boring location because to do otherwise would be nuts. You have boring products because that's what the market wants. That boring staff? They're perfectly well qualified...
"You don't get unboring for free. Remarkable costs time and money and effort, but most of all, remarkable costs a willingness to be wrong.
"Remarkable is a choice."
(Source: Seth Godin's blog)
If you'd like seven videos at no cost on
how to attract leads, please visit us now
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Is Home Seller Assist Better Than Your Business?
First, a quick test.
Go into any network marketing forum online and ask this . . . "I'm new to the network marketing industry and I'm looking for a good company to join,does anyone have any good suggestions?" And then just watch what happens . . .
First off, it's going to be the most popular thread in the forum for about a week or so,and second it's going to be filled with network marketers jumping to your rescue telling you why their company is so much better than the next guys, and you know what? It really doesn't matter.
Until those in the industry understand that it's not about companies, it's about delivering unique value to your growing and developing organization network marketing, it's going to continue to have a high failure rate.
If you ever get caught handling the objection of "why I should join your Home Seller Assist business" do not try explaining the comp plan and how great the product or service is. Do NOT do it!
Why? It's wrong first off - it's exactly what the other 20 people trying to get your recruit are doing and that potential recruit is confused out of his or her mind because of it all. And it's not really what they are looking for.
Let me explain a little more about network marketing than you might want to know.
The industry is great. It allows average everyday people like you and I to achieve extra ordinary things and grow into the people that deserve it, but when we start we're not extra ordinary, we just have a hope. And we take a leap of faith. We join a business and we say "Just tell me what to do to make money and I'm on it" Not wrong, but dangerous because we take a leap for a second and then we revert to the old J.O.B. mentality.
"Just give me a job I can do that will make me money and I'll go do it", is what they are really saying. And so what most leaders do is they give their recruits exactly that . . . A job. And the worst job in the world at that: Call a bunch of people you don't know and read some script to them and take what comes at you. Yuck!
But we happily oblige, and for most that job never pans out.
The danger is we try to build the company up into something irresistible that our prospects can't help but to join and in the process diminish ourselves into obscurity. Very dangerous because this leaves the prospect choosing between companies,something we have no control over when, in fact, we should be making them choose US, something we have complete control over.
When they choose YOU you can win a lot more than when they are choosing between corporations. Think back . . . Why did you join the Home Seller Assist program? Was it because of the company OR the person in the company that was going to show you how to use the company as a vehicle to your life's dreams?
Most of us choose a company for the second reason whether we consciously know it or not and it's why we should choose a company in the end, anyway. A network marketing company is only as strong as it's leaders and a leader is only as strong as his or her leaders. And what leaders do is they take the choice of choosing the company that a prospect joins away, from the technical aspects of the company and make their prospects decided whether or not to choose them. And when they think from that standpoint, most of the time they turn into top recruiters. People choose people.
Make your prospect think about joining YOU instead of your company, almost as if the company could be anything - it's just something in the background that you are going to use to help THEM achieve their most exciting dreams, and once you start doing this you'll start recruiting more people than you can handle. As an industry we MUST get away from diminishing ourselves and building up our company and start to do the exact opposite. But don't wait for the industry to change
Start the change in you right now.
Go into any network marketing forum online and ask this . . . "I'm new to the network marketing industry and I'm looking for a good company to join,does anyone have any good suggestions?" And then just watch what happens . . .
First off, it's going to be the most popular thread in the forum for about a week or so,and second it's going to be filled with network marketers jumping to your rescue telling you why their company is so much better than the next guys, and you know what? It really doesn't matter.
Until those in the industry understand that it's not about companies, it's about delivering unique value to your growing and developing organization network marketing, it's going to continue to have a high failure rate.
If you ever get caught handling the objection of "why I should join your Home Seller Assist business" do not try explaining the comp plan and how great the product or service is. Do NOT do it!
Why? It's wrong first off - it's exactly what the other 20 people trying to get your recruit are doing and that potential recruit is confused out of his or her mind because of it all. And it's not really what they are looking for.
Let me explain a little more about network marketing than you might want to know.
The industry is great. It allows average everyday people like you and I to achieve extra ordinary things and grow into the people that deserve it, but when we start we're not extra ordinary, we just have a hope. And we take a leap of faith. We join a business and we say "Just tell me what to do to make money and I'm on it" Not wrong, but dangerous because we take a leap for a second and then we revert to the old J.O.B. mentality.
"Just give me a job I can do that will make me money and I'll go do it", is what they are really saying. And so what most leaders do is they give their recruits exactly that . . . A job. And the worst job in the world at that: Call a bunch of people you don't know and read some script to them and take what comes at you. Yuck!
But we happily oblige, and for most that job never pans out.
The danger is we try to build the company up into something irresistible that our prospects can't help but to join and in the process diminish ourselves into obscurity. Very dangerous because this leaves the prospect choosing between companies,something we have no control over when, in fact, we should be making them choose US, something we have complete control over.
When they choose YOU you can win a lot more than when they are choosing between corporations. Think back . . . Why did you join the Home Seller Assist program? Was it because of the company OR the person in the company that was going to show you how to use the company as a vehicle to your life's dreams?
Most of us choose a company for the second reason whether we consciously know it or not and it's why we should choose a company in the end, anyway. A network marketing company is only as strong as it's leaders and a leader is only as strong as his or her leaders. And what leaders do is they take the choice of choosing the company that a prospect joins away, from the technical aspects of the company and make their prospects decided whether or not to choose them. And when they think from that standpoint, most of the time they turn into top recruiters. People choose people.
Make your prospect think about joining YOU instead of your company, almost as if the company could be anything - it's just something in the background that you are going to use to help THEM achieve their most exciting dreams, and once you start doing this you'll start recruiting more people than you can handle. As an industry we MUST get away from diminishing ourselves and building up our company and start to do the exact opposite. But don't wait for the industry to change
Start the change in you right now.
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