Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Success of Humility

The greater your expertise, the more likely it is that you are
going to unintentionally rub people the wrong way by coming across
as arrogant and insensitive.

The good news is there's an easy way to prevent this misconception.

Mention your homework.

When you talk with potential customers or prospects you might begin
by mentioning the homework you have done on the real estate market.
You might also use the mortgage market, the economy, the employment
of the area, the crime in the area, the foreclosure situation in the
area, etc.

Don't use all of them maybe just one or two when appropriate.

It's an opportunity to let them know that you are truly interested
and a powerful way to confirm that you are knowledgeable without
coming across as one who brags.

Here's one that I often use; Imagine as you are talking to the seller
for the first time and you ask the question, "does the house next door
to the property have a pool?" You casually mention this as you are
browsing on Google Maps the property address. Do you know what kind of
an impact you have on that seller? They think, "wow, this investor really
knows his business!"

Confirm your understanding.

You may be a great listener, but are you perceived as such? Being
regarded as a poor listener is a surefire way to kill a deal or shorten
your career as an investor or Home Seller Assist leader.

By using a little humility, this is easy to correct. Here's the key:
Simply repeat your understanding of their needs with the phrase "Let
me make sure I've got this straight."

If your ego were running your life, you'd never say that.

Ask permission to present.

You've probably heard the expression that people don't like to be sold to,
but they love to buy. That means that before you present the benefits of
your product or services, remember to ask permission.

Ask permission to present with "Based upon what you've told me, I do have
some thoughts. Would you like to hear a couple of options that I think would
fit for you?" Once the other person agrees, they'll feel less like they are
being forced, and more like they are being helped.

Use some of these ideas and methods when you are on that first phone call or
when you call the sellers back to give them their prices and options.

You will soon realize the success of humility.

Keep on marketing, it’s going to work!

Larry Potter

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