If you get a chance later on, grab a copy of this weekends USA Today from your local convenience store. And then TEAR IT APART as an act of faith towards your own prosperity and abundance.
The Chicken Little syndrome is rehearsed and played out quite well in the media today. They want you to believe in the doom and gloom that's apparently staring down every man, woman and child in the U.S. and around the globe.
They want you to believe that everyone is broke. That everyone is living in a state of uncertainity. What a pile of bogus crap!
You and I live in land of CERTAINITY.
Reason being is because we CREATE our own CERTAINITY between our own EARS.
If you allow the negative energy from newspapers, TV and other media sources to funnel their way into your precious mind, then you too will fall in line with the masses like lemmings.
Now I'm not saying that we can't have compassion and empathy for those who have lost homes, jobs, income, marriages, etc.... as a result of the economic conditions the world as a whole is facing. Not at all. The masses need support now more than ever.
All I'm suggesting is NOT to buy into their way of thinking that got them to where they are right now!
You can listen with open ears to their stories of struggle, despair, frustration and lack. But close your mind off to accepting their stories as TRUTH for you.
You're an ELITE member of a higher class.
The simple fact that you're getting this is a bold exhibit of your own decision for more.
12 years ago, I buried my "woo-is-me" attitude and went in search of higher thinking. Because I knew intuitively that there had to be something that set apart the ELITE few from the masses. And I was right!
The main difference is in how the ELITE few think, perceive and re-act to all types of situations, on all levels.
Case in point...Standing in line at the local gas station this morning, I over-heard to two preppy middle aged guys in front of me talking about the USA Today paper and its "sky is falling" like headline. Both men commented on the fact that neither one of them could envision for themselves such LACK as to the point of having to eat roman noodles just to survive.
And the REASON why they couldn't envision for themselves such lack?
Because they're thinking on a much higher level than the average person.
They "SEE" nothing but abundance and prosperity around them.
And as a result, their world doesn't worsen, but rather it improves.
For you... Hopefully you'll start to avoid the news like I do.
You'll be amazed at how much more focused and channeled you can be without all that negative clutter rattling around in your head.
Ok, I'm outta here. It's Friday afternoon.
Have a great weekend.
Larry Potter
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