Friday, March 27, 2009

"Why isn't anyone joining my business?"

Most tend to think no one is willing to pay, but if you put the right offer in a person's face, they'll buy over and over again.

It's got far less to do with your company itself and MUCH more to do with how you"sell" it.

Today you'll learn the QVC secret to recruiting . . .

The thing about QVC is, they entertain, make it super easy to buy, they sell visually,with MASSIVE leverage (ever seen those counters on QVCs limited products climb like crazy?), AND all at the same time.

In our world, it's not so much about the company or the opportunity it's more about asking "How can I entertain, sell, leverage, and do it visually with a personal touch.

There is NO more powerful nor simple way to recruit in mass than what I'm about to tell you here.

First, think about your prospects. They are itching to buy something, waiting for someone to give them the opportunity, IF you're doing your lead generation the right way. For your prospects it's a money making opportunity that they've got the itch for. How do you let them in QVC style?

Well, you've got to have personality (yours will do fine) and you've got use a medium where your prospects can really get a good feeling that they know you. You've got to entertain visually.

We're geared to watch stuff, so a simple "show and tell" style is just fine - you'll entertain.

You've got to use leverage, QVC has a TV channel, you're about to learn how to create your own, but you've also got to use psychological leverage like the little counter on limited home QVC offerings. I suggest you check out the simple little book called "Yes".

You've got to sell and inform, this is the one that trips people up, but it's easy. The best way to sell and inform at the same time is to use stories that move your prospects where you want them to go.

So on that last one, let me give you an example . . . Let's say you want to "sell" your prospects on the idea of why they don't want to choose the wrong business, how do you do that? Simple. Tell them a horror story from your past when you joined the wrong business. The power here is, you don't even need to really need to spell out why choosing the wrong business is bad. You tell the story, your audience naturally identifies with you and then thinks to themselves, "Yeah I've been there, what's a good business?"

What do you do here? Move on to a story that explains what a good business is. It's subliminal, you're transferring meaning without right out saying it. So, in other words, all you need to sell and inform are your past stories and an outline.

So how do we bring all this together? A webinar! What's a webinar? It's a video conference where your audience can login and watch your screen. It passes all the tests. 10 people, 20 people, 2000 people. It's still just you delivering one message. That's levearage. It's visual. It allows you to display your personality naturally, and it lets you sell and inform yourself.

Now all you need is a game plan. Let's start at the beginning . . . First you need leads.

As you generate leads and email them, why not once a week hold a webinar for them to attend?

Topics? Here's a couple simple ones: "How To Choose The Right Business" or "How To Avoid Online Scams" Now what do you talk the them about? Let's use choosing the right business as your template. First, we want to inform and entertain about why choosing the "wrong business" is full of heartache and pain - use a simple story from your past. Next, we want to talk about why it's tough to grow a business online. Use a story about all the things you tried to do to grow your business that didn't work.

Now that your audience is starting to feel like things are tough, they'll always have a feeling "There's got to be way that works".

What do you do when this feeling hits them? Talk them about what things you considered when you where choosing a business, again a story. Maybe now you remind them that just a business isn't enough, you've got to know how to market that business too. You go it! Storytime.

Tell a story about a special sponsor or mentor that helped you get your marketing down to the point where you were seeing the first little success. (Here's why: You're aim is to recruit right? So to talk about the help of a mentor will naturally insert the idea in the minds of your prospects that they need the right business, right marketing, AND the right person to succeed - and at the end that person is you!)

Now, I could go on about this stuff, but here's all you need to do at this point: Ask yourself a question "What would fulfill my prospects wildest dreams?" List this stuff out. Put in story form as to why it's so important. Tell that story, and . . . And the end of it, open the doors for limited enrollment.

Congratulations! You've just recruited QVC style! The great thing about this is they will be excited as heck when they join you.

Give it a shot and see what happens. I know you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Larry Potter

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