IF you use phone verified accounts, you perhaps already found out that sometimes your PVA are placed on hold with no particular reason.
Well, there is always a reason: Couple of tips for you to make your PVA stay longer and save money:
* Craigslist set up a new rule, if you will post more then 1 ad every 1 day every 1 account, your account may be placed on hold after a week or so. Don't try to overpost, it's not needed anymore. Focus more on your ad copy and targeting the right market, you will attract less people but more targeted, which equals more sales.
* If you have a lot of ads flagged in your account, Craigslist will conclude that you are posting irrelevant ads all the time, rubbish. You don't contribute to the community with good ads. That's why Craigslist can block your account.
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