Monday, March 9, 2009

Give Value

Not every marketing message should be a targeted sales pitch for the Home Seller Assist program, also known as We Provide The Cash.

Not every conversation has to revolve around their decision to buy or not buy.

When building your relationship with your prospects, give them something of immeasurable worth... knowledge.

Here are some suggestions of ways to include valuable content (and start leading your contacts to an eventual sale):

Tips and tricks of your industry
Upcoming industry related events
Links to news articles about your industry
Free reports and whitepapers
Celebrity stories related to your products/services
And just about anything else!

Nobody knows your Home Seller Assist business better than you do. Taking the time to share your knowledge with your contacts will build that relationship of trust and appreciation.

These ideas cost you nothing, but could be worth a fortune in additional sales.

Remember, your prospects and customers should mean more to you than an occasional sale.
Give them value and watch your customer ROI soar!

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