Monday, February 9, 2009

How to successfully manage your Home Seller Assist business...

Automate your Home Seller Assist business - If you haven't taken the time to realize the value of automation, do so soon. With your business on auto-pilot you have more time for other things.

Put systems into place - mistakes are made when processes are not systematized. When processes are consistent, fewer mistakes are made and there are fewer fires to put out.

Take a day off - despite the temptation to work a 7-day week, take at least one day for yourself. You will see your productivity and your health improve. (Not to mention how happy your family will be to see you.)

Go home - set a time schedule for yourself. Schedule the number of hours you will work and stick to that plan.

Set your priorities - there's always another crisis to solve. So be sure to make special occasions with friends and family a top priority. Don't allow a business "disaster" to hold you back. After all, there's bound to be another one tomorrow.

Unless you are willing to take these suggestions to heart, you will never be able to effectively manage your life and work the Home Seller Assist business which was created by John Alexander

And remember, nobody ever lay on their deathbed wishing they had spent more time at the office!

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