Hi there,
It’s Larry here with 2 quick ‘late breaking’ announcements:
First, you no longer have to pass up your first and fourth
paid members with HSA, you now get to keep that $800 !!!
Second, I’ve been invited to be one of the first entrepreneurs to learn
about and teach the unique, viral business building strategies
of Web 3.0 - Social Profit Streams…
These are unique concepts just about ready to come to market
that are allowing even complete new marketers the opportunity
to tap into fresh, massive markets, build their lists virally and add
distributors and partners to ANY home based program available.
I’m inviting you to also be one of the first to learn about these
new strategies on a VIP Coaching Webinar that is only allowing
a few serious people in to be the first to learn about it…
Visit this site now and watch the videos there… this is some pretty
amazing information and it can help people grow ANY business online
or offline…
Go ahead and check it out and let me know what you think…
All the best,
Larry Potter
P.S. Look for me on Facebook
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Web 3.0 strategies coming
Hey, it's Larry again,
Because you are one of the special people who visit my blog,
I am giving you advanced notice about
You are not only being invited to a strategic coaching call,
rather, you are being invited to attend what we like to call
What exactly is an IMPLEMENTATION session, and how will you benefit from it?
Simply put, We are not only going to teach you the newest
strategies for success, but MORE IMPORTANT, we are going to
give you the tools you will need to immediately implement
these new strategies to help you:
Convert more SALES.
Spend less TIME on prospecting activities.
Save MONEY on advertising.
Help your team DUPLICATE your success with less EFFORT on your part.
Make more MONEY by attracting the masses that you've been chasing but not converting.
Register Now At:
Larry Potter
Because you are one of the special people who visit my blog,
I am giving you advanced notice about
You are not only being invited to a strategic coaching call,
rather, you are being invited to attend what we like to call
What exactly is an IMPLEMENTATION session, and how will you benefit from it?
Simply put, We are not only going to teach you the newest
strategies for success, but MORE IMPORTANT, we are going to
give you the tools you will need to immediately implement
these new strategies to help you:
Convert more SALES.
Spend less TIME on prospecting activities.
Save MONEY on advertising.
Help your team DUPLICATE your success with less EFFORT on your part.
Make more MONEY by attracting the masses that you've been chasing but not converting.
Register Now At:
Larry Potter
Web 3.0 strategies coming
Hey, it's Larry again,
Because you are one of the special people who visit my blog,
I am giving you advanced notice about
You are not only being invited to a strategic coaching call,
rather, you are being invited to attend what we like to call
What exactly is an IMPLEMENTATION session, and how will you benefit from it?
Simply put, We are not only going to teach you the newest
strategies for success, but MORE IMPORTANT, we are going to
give you the tools you will need to immediately implement
these new strategies to help you:
Convert more SALES.
Spend less TIME on prospecting activities.
Save MONEY on advertising.
Help your team DUPLICATE your success with less EFFORT on your part.
Make more MONEY by attracting the masses that you've been chasing but not converting.
Register Now At:
Larry Potter
Because you are one of the special people who visit my blog,
I am giving you advanced notice about
You are not only being invited to a strategic coaching call,
rather, you are being invited to attend what we like to call
What exactly is an IMPLEMENTATION session, and how will you benefit from it?
Simply put, We are not only going to teach you the newest
strategies for success, but MORE IMPORTANT, we are going to
give you the tools you will need to immediately implement
these new strategies to help you:
Convert more SALES.
Spend less TIME on prospecting activities.
Save MONEY on advertising.
Help your team DUPLICATE your success with less EFFORT on your part.
Make more MONEY by attracting the masses that you've been chasing but not converting.
Register Now At:
Larry Potter
Monday, April 27, 2009
Instantly link your site to 4 BIG social sites

Just click on this link
or go here http://budurl.com/f6j3
To Your Success
Larry Potter
Get More Business Than You Can Handle--> Tap Here Now
larry potter,
little ticket to wealth,
social sites
Friday, April 24, 2009
Change is coming.
Something is stirring in the wind.
Change is coming.
Some of what you're seeing now won't be
around much longer. It's going to be taken
away and replaced with something else.
Some of these changes may be good; some
of them may be bad.
But if you're still here afterward, you've got to
deal with them - and make a choice as to how
you want to live - and continue to change - and
continue to be effective.
Every breath you take represents change. So
does every thought you think.
Every cell in your body is replaced within seven
years. The physical YOU of today isn't the same
as yesterday - only the consciousness that you
bring from day to day.
So who you going to be - right NOW - this very
Make a choice.
You're the actor on this stage called life. You're
also the screen writer, director, producer and
You're the one who is going to make the changes
in who you are.
What changes do you want to make?
Who do you want to be?
Who are you right now?
What do you need to think and do to get where you
want to go in life?
These are questions for YOU to ponder. After all,
change is inevitable. You either consciously begin
to choose the changes you want - or have them
forced upon you by others.
Change is coming.
Some of what you're seeing now won't be
around much longer. It's going to be taken
away and replaced with something else.
Some of these changes may be good; some
of them may be bad.
But if you're still here afterward, you've got to
deal with them - and make a choice as to how
you want to live - and continue to change - and
continue to be effective.
Every breath you take represents change. So
does every thought you think.
Every cell in your body is replaced within seven
years. The physical YOU of today isn't the same
as yesterday - only the consciousness that you
bring from day to day.
So who you going to be - right NOW - this very
Make a choice.
You're the actor on this stage called life. You're
also the screen writer, director, producer and
You're the one who is going to make the changes
in who you are.
What changes do you want to make?
Who do you want to be?
Who are you right now?
What do you need to think and do to get where you
want to go in life?
These are questions for YOU to ponder. After all,
change is inevitable. You either consciously begin
to choose the changes you want - or have them
forced upon you by others.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Your Biggest Competition
Competition is a good thing. A great thing. It brings out the best in a person. It shows a person where his true weaknesses are. Yet, after a competition, there is an enormous danger.The person who loses may consider himself a failure and the winner may get a big head and think he no longer needs to practice as much as before.
It is one thing to say to yourself, 'I didn't do well today,but I'll do better next time. I wasn't myself today, but I'll improve on this. I didn't win today, but I'm still a winner inside.' I realize it's hard to do sometimes, especially if you really wanted to win - but it must be done for you to move to the next level.
The best athletes, salespeople, entrepreneurs and so on,don't compete with others as much as they compete with themselves. After all, once you're better than all your competitors, how can you continue to improveif your focus is simply about 'beating the others.' Make yourself your greatest opponent. In order to do this you must go back in time and picture your best moments, your greatest successes.You must relive the feelings of confidence you once experienced.
Doing so is the same as a good friend reminding you of your value; that you're someone special. Only difference is that NOW you are being a friend to yourself. You're going within and finding the BIG SELF who inherently knows that you came into this world to succeed.
I once knew a businessman who was very successful for more than ten years. Then the demand for his product died off and he had to close up shop. He thought of himself as a failure; that he was a loser. I talked to the man and said, 'My goodness, you had 10 years of success. I wouldn't call that a failure. Close this shop and move on. Figure out a way to tap into another current trend and you'll be off to the races again.' He listened. And he succeeded once again.
There are great athletes who go undefeated until the'BIG SHOW.' Then, if they lose the big show, they feel like total failures. But they're not. They simply lost one game. So long as these athletes gave it everything they had in that game, they can hold their heads high. And if they didn't give it everything they had, they can declare that 'next time will be different.'
Instead of trying to keep up with the Joneses and feeling badly when you're not at their level - 'keep up with yourself.' Make yourself your greatest competition.
Larry Potter
It is one thing to say to yourself, 'I didn't do well today,but I'll do better next time. I wasn't myself today, but I'll improve on this. I didn't win today, but I'm still a winner inside.' I realize it's hard to do sometimes, especially if you really wanted to win - but it must be done for you to move to the next level.
The best athletes, salespeople, entrepreneurs and so on,don't compete with others as much as they compete with themselves. After all, once you're better than all your competitors, how can you continue to improveif your focus is simply about 'beating the others.' Make yourself your greatest opponent. In order to do this you must go back in time and picture your best moments, your greatest successes.You must relive the feelings of confidence you once experienced.
Doing so is the same as a good friend reminding you of your value; that you're someone special. Only difference is that NOW you are being a friend to yourself. You're going within and finding the BIG SELF who inherently knows that you came into this world to succeed.
I once knew a businessman who was very successful for more than ten years. Then the demand for his product died off and he had to close up shop. He thought of himself as a failure; that he was a loser. I talked to the man and said, 'My goodness, you had 10 years of success. I wouldn't call that a failure. Close this shop and move on. Figure out a way to tap into another current trend and you'll be off to the races again.' He listened. And he succeeded once again.
There are great athletes who go undefeated until the'BIG SHOW.' Then, if they lose the big show, they feel like total failures. But they're not. They simply lost one game. So long as these athletes gave it everything they had in that game, they can hold their heads high. And if they didn't give it everything they had, they can declare that 'next time will be different.'
Instead of trying to keep up with the Joneses and feeling badly when you're not at their level - 'keep up with yourself.' Make yourself your greatest competition.
Larry Potter
Monday, April 20, 2009
Working Toward What You Believe In
By Brian Tracy
When you are working progressively, step-by-step, toward something that is important to you, you generate within yourself a continuous feeling of success and achievement.
And it begins with determining what it is you believe in and stand for - your values.
Successful people are successful because they are very clear about their values. Unsuccessful people are fuzzy or unsure. Complete failures have no real values at all.
Clarifying your values is the beginning exercise in building self-confidence, self-esteem, and character. When you take the time to think through your fundamental values, and then commit to living your life consistent with them, you feel a surge of mental strength and well-being. You feel more capable. You feel more centered in the universe and more competent to accomplish the goals you set for yourself.
Here are two things you can do immediately to put this idea into action.
1. Decide for yourself what makes you truly happy, and organize your life around it.
2. Identify your values - what it is you stand for and believe in. Commit to living in a way that's consistent with these innermost convictions... and you'll never make another mistake.
[Ed. Note: You need a flight plan to succeed. But having the plan isn't enough. Like a pilot, you must make course corrections along the way in order to arrive at your destination. With Brian Tracy's Flight Plan, you can discover a how to achieve more, faster than you ever dreamed possible. You also receive 2 BONUS CDS. Learn more here.]
Larry Potter
When you are working progressively, step-by-step, toward something that is important to you, you generate within yourself a continuous feeling of success and achievement.
And it begins with determining what it is you believe in and stand for - your values.
Successful people are successful because they are very clear about their values. Unsuccessful people are fuzzy or unsure. Complete failures have no real values at all.
Clarifying your values is the beginning exercise in building self-confidence, self-esteem, and character. When you take the time to think through your fundamental values, and then commit to living your life consistent with them, you feel a surge of mental strength and well-being. You feel more capable. You feel more centered in the universe and more competent to accomplish the goals you set for yourself.
Here are two things you can do immediately to put this idea into action.
1. Decide for yourself what makes you truly happy, and organize your life around it.
2. Identify your values - what it is you stand for and believe in. Commit to living in a way that's consistent with these innermost convictions... and you'll never make another mistake.
[Ed. Note: You need a flight plan to succeed. But having the plan isn't enough. Like a pilot, you must make course corrections along the way in order to arrive at your destination. With Brian Tracy's Flight Plan, you can discover a how to achieve more, faster than you ever dreamed possible. You also receive 2 BONUS CDS. Learn more here.]
Larry Potter
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Negative Beliefs

Your present negative beliefs were formed by thought PLUS feelings.
Generate enough emotion, or deep feeling and your new thoughts
and ideas will cancel them out.
Larry Potter
P.S. If you missed Wed's powerful presentation, it will be up
for viewing after 12 noon today at http://www.fastbuyerloans.com/
This presentation will blow your socks off, later in the evening,
we had 90 minutes of training on this concept which will be in the
back office shortly.
Generate enough emotion, or deep feeling and your new thoughts
and ideas will cancel them out.
Larry Potter
P.S. If you missed Wed's powerful presentation, it will be up
for viewing after 12 noon today at http://www.fastbuyerloans.com/
This presentation will blow your socks off, later in the evening,
we had 90 minutes of training on this concept which will be in the
back office shortly.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Consider the ready availability of homes in the area.
If you want to buy a home and maximize your profits, avoid buying in an area that is undergoing heavy residential development. The ready availability of homes in the area can actually hurt property values; especially for existing homes; due to the simple laws of supply and demand.
If a home buyer could buy a new home for the same price or less than an existing home, many home buyers would opt for the new home. Avoid buying in an area that is undergoing heavy residential development, unless commercial development is also likely to occur and render the location more desirable.
Put your newfound knowledge into practice and find the perfect home to invest in your future! Fill out one of our Creative Homeowner Solution Requests to get an opportunity to get not only your dream home, but a home that could provide for your kids’ college educations, the upgrades you want to make to the home in ten years or even your retirement!
Larry Potter
If a home buyer could buy a new home for the same price or less than an existing home, many home buyers would opt for the new home. Avoid buying in an area that is undergoing heavy residential development, unless commercial development is also likely to occur and render the location more desirable.
Put your newfound knowledge into practice and find the perfect home to invest in your future! Fill out one of our Creative Homeowner Solution Requests to get an opportunity to get not only your dream home, but a home that could provide for your kids’ college educations, the upgrades you want to make to the home in ten years or even your retirement!
Larry Potter
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
A Recession Days Underdog That Can Churn Out Steady Cash
Where can you make money these days?
Don't look at the stock market. The Dow's all over the map. May be up one day - but is that real or the dreaded "sucker rally"?
Don't look to your boss. According to a survey by Watson Wyatt Worldwide, 42 percent of employers have instituted a salary freeze - and 14% of those who haven't, plan to do so.
Don't look at the government. They have other worries. I suggest you look at an old standby: the e-mail newsletter.
It can bring in serious ad revenues - even today. Better yet, it can help attract investors looking for safer places than the stock market to stow their money.
Look at DailyCandy.com, which sold to ComCast for $125 million just last fall.
Then there's Thrillist, which is making profits on $5 to $10 million a year.
Start your own Internet business, set up an e-mail newsletter, and you could make $50,000 to $5 million starting this year.
Get the exact blueprint for doing so right now.
Larry Potter
Don't look at the stock market. The Dow's all over the map. May be up one day - but is that real or the dreaded "sucker rally"?
Don't look to your boss. According to a survey by Watson Wyatt Worldwide, 42 percent of employers have instituted a salary freeze - and 14% of those who haven't, plan to do so.
Don't look at the government. They have other worries. I suggest you look at an old standby: the e-mail newsletter.
It can bring in serious ad revenues - even today. Better yet, it can help attract investors looking for safer places than the stock market to stow their money.
Look at DailyCandy.com, which sold to ComCast for $125 million just last fall.
Then there's Thrillist, which is making profits on $5 to $10 million a year.
Start your own Internet business, set up an e-mail newsletter, and you could make $50,000 to $5 million starting this year.
Get the exact blueprint for doing so right now.
Larry Potter
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Advertising Should Be Simple

Do people really know what you sell?
Do they understand what your Web site
and your marketing material says?
Or is it a lot of words that means
nothing to anyone but you?
The key to marketing success is to quickly
and simply tell people - in plain language - what you do.
Larry Potter
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Don't be afraid to come right out and ask for referrals.
I used to print up business cards that offered a free lesson to anyone referred by a client. I would just hand a few cards to my clients and say something like, "Here are a few referral cards. Each person you give one to will get a free lesson. Plus, you'll get a $10 discount on one of your own lessons."
There was no pressure. If they didn't want to do it, they didn't feel that they had to. But if they were already inclined to give a referral, this gave them a strong push.
You can be more aggressive too. During my brief stint as a salesperson, for example, I would give people a piece of paper and a pen and ask them to write down the names and phone numbers of at least three other people who might be interested in what I was selling. Virtually everyone wrote down some names.
Whether you take a subtle or aggressive approach, implementing a strong referral program is a must for every small-businessperson - no matter how big your marketing budget it.
Larry Potter
There was no pressure. If they didn't want to do it, they didn't feel that they had to. But if they were already inclined to give a referral, this gave them a strong push.
You can be more aggressive too. During my brief stint as a salesperson, for example, I would give people a piece of paper and a pen and ask them to write down the names and phone numbers of at least three other people who might be interested in what I was selling. Virtually everyone wrote down some names.
Whether you take a subtle or aggressive approach, implementing a strong referral program is a must for every small-businessperson - no matter how big your marketing budget it.
Larry Potter
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Best Feeling in the World
Accomplishing a simple goal can have powerful, long-lasting results...
Once you finally learn to play the trumpet, or start a business, or get promoted to CEO, or get your pre-baby body back...
You'll notice that people start treating you differently. They'll respect you more. They'll compliment you. They might even try to imitate your success.
And the way you'll feel about yourself is unparalleled. You'll have new confidence. New happiness. Some new stress, perhaps. But new pride in yourself and your abilities.
Achieving a goal you've had for years... There's nothing quite like it.
It's time for you to feel proud of yourself.
Larry Potter
Once you finally learn to play the trumpet, or start a business, or get promoted to CEO, or get your pre-baby body back...
You'll notice that people start treating you differently. They'll respect you more. They'll compliment you. They might even try to imitate your success.
And the way you'll feel about yourself is unparalleled. You'll have new confidence. New happiness. Some new stress, perhaps. But new pride in yourself and your abilities.
Achieving a goal you've had for years... There's nothing quite like it.
It's time for you to feel proud of yourself.
Larry Potter
Saturday, April 4, 2009
What to Do If You Get Laid Off
By Jason Holland
Companies are cutting expenses due to the economy's downward slide. Not even workers with a perfect track record are immune to layoffs. And with an unemployment rate that reached 8.1 percent in February, it can be tougher than ever to find a new job.
If you're handed a pink slip, here are some ideas to help you get the best possible severance package and/or "exit" plan:
Don't blindly sign your severance agreement. The terms can be negotiated. (This is best done by talking to your boss instead of HR.) You can, for example, ask for more money, extended health benefits, or job search assistance.
If you're in the middle of a project, ask to stay on until it is completed. Explain the consequences if it is not done on time.
Offer to keep working as a freelancer or consultant. Your pay will be lower, but at least you'll have some money coming in while you look for another job.
Ask for a prorated bonus, especially if your scheduled performance review is only a couple of months away.
But don't spend too much time and effort begging your soon-to-be-ex boss to "extend" your old job. Remember, it would be just a stopgap until you find a new job - so direct most of your attention to that task without delay. You're not going to be able to live off your severance for long. That already limited source of money will dry up very quickly.
(Source: Smart Money)
There's no reason to keep worrying about the possibility of losing your job. Take control of your future now. Get all the details right here: http://budurl.com/ngja
Do the day, and let the day do you! - Duma Key
Until next time, have a great day.
Larry Potter, Pres.
Companies are cutting expenses due to the economy's downward slide. Not even workers with a perfect track record are immune to layoffs. And with an unemployment rate that reached 8.1 percent in February, it can be tougher than ever to find a new job.
If you're handed a pink slip, here are some ideas to help you get the best possible severance package and/or "exit" plan:
Don't blindly sign your severance agreement. The terms can be negotiated. (This is best done by talking to your boss instead of HR.) You can, for example, ask for more money, extended health benefits, or job search assistance.
If you're in the middle of a project, ask to stay on until it is completed. Explain the consequences if it is not done on time.
Offer to keep working as a freelancer or consultant. Your pay will be lower, but at least you'll have some money coming in while you look for another job.
Ask for a prorated bonus, especially if your scheduled performance review is only a couple of months away.
But don't spend too much time and effort begging your soon-to-be-ex boss to "extend" your old job. Remember, it would be just a stopgap until you find a new job - so direct most of your attention to that task without delay. You're not going to be able to live off your severance for long. That already limited source of money will dry up very quickly.
(Source: Smart Money)
There's no reason to keep worrying about the possibility of losing your job. Take control of your future now. Get all the details right here: http://budurl.com/ngja
Do the day, and let the day do you! - Duma Key
Until next time, have a great day.
Larry Potter, Pres.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
7 Steps to Becoming the Best in Your Field
By Michael Masterson
To make this year the year you successfully start a profitable business (or make the business you have already started more profitable than ever), resolve to be the smartest person you know about the business you are in.
It's a bold objective, but it is possible. Here's how to do it:
1. Read the business press voraciously but efficiently. You don't need to spend more than 30 minutes a day on this. Be selective about your reading. Focus on books, articles, and essays that pertain to your industry - primarily the "how-to" pieces. Give preference to authors who've done it themselves as opposed to academics and/or journalists.
2. Supplement your reading by going to seminars and attending conferences. Person-to-person contact is invaluable.
3. Take meaningful correspondence courses. When you find a good home-study program that pertains to your field, don't hesitate to invest some time and money in it.
4. Seek the advice of experts. Write personal notes. Send e-mails.
5. Study the competition, especially companies that are growing. If a competitor is doing well, you can assume he knows at least one important thing about your business that you don't. Do whatever it takes to learn his secret.
6. Network. The more people you know, the better chance you will have to find someone to solve every one of your problems. A big network is also a steady source of opportunity.
7. Be generous with your colleagues and your competitors. When people learn that they do well whenever they work with you, they will be more willing to come to you with opportunities.
There is no limit to the number of new businesses the Internet, with its worldwide reach, can absorb. If you have a product or service that is needed (or simply wanted), you can be successful - and you will be successful if you commit yourself to learning.
[Ed. Note: Get more of Michael Masterson's surefire strategies for getting ahead in business in True Path to Profits: A Master Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Success. Find out more (including how you can get a bonus subscription to his VIP newsletter, Ready Fire Aim) here.
Discover how you could be making $50,000 to $5 million starting this year right here.]
Larry Potter
To make this year the year you successfully start a profitable business (or make the business you have already started more profitable than ever), resolve to be the smartest person you know about the business you are in.
It's a bold objective, but it is possible. Here's how to do it:
1. Read the business press voraciously but efficiently. You don't need to spend more than 30 minutes a day on this. Be selective about your reading. Focus on books, articles, and essays that pertain to your industry - primarily the "how-to" pieces. Give preference to authors who've done it themselves as opposed to academics and/or journalists.
2. Supplement your reading by going to seminars and attending conferences. Person-to-person contact is invaluable.
3. Take meaningful correspondence courses. When you find a good home-study program that pertains to your field, don't hesitate to invest some time and money in it.
4. Seek the advice of experts. Write personal notes. Send e-mails.
5. Study the competition, especially companies that are growing. If a competitor is doing well, you can assume he knows at least one important thing about your business that you don't. Do whatever it takes to learn his secret.
6. Network. The more people you know, the better chance you will have to find someone to solve every one of your problems. A big network is also a steady source of opportunity.
7. Be generous with your colleagues and your competitors. When people learn that they do well whenever they work with you, they will be more willing to come to you with opportunities.
There is no limit to the number of new businesses the Internet, with its worldwide reach, can absorb. If you have a product or service that is needed (or simply wanted), you can be successful - and you will be successful if you commit yourself to learning.
[Ed. Note: Get more of Michael Masterson's surefire strategies for getting ahead in business in True Path to Profits: A Master Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Success. Find out more (including how you can get a bonus subscription to his VIP newsletter, Ready Fire Aim) here.
Discover how you could be making $50,000 to $5 million starting this year right here.]
Larry Potter
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
A little secret every marketing pro knows
Have you ever felt like you were gambling when you made a marketing move?
Maybe you took out an advertisement somewhere...or maybe you didn't because it felt too risky. You could write your ad, and pick a perfect spot to put it, but who knows if it would actually WORK? Would you make the money back that you spent?
Did you know that NOBODY knows the answer to this question right off the bat? Not even the most seasoned marketing experts. Of course, with experience comes a better ability to guess.
But there's a way to take the guesswork out of it. Once I learned about this, I simply haven't been able to not do it. And I've heard the same from countless marketers out there. Why gamble if you don't have to?
The answer? TEST your marketing.
Instead of just taking out one ad and seeing if it works...Takeout a few. And make them different. Then, measure the responses, and you'll be gathering hard, statistical information on what works and what doesn't.
It sounds simple, but once you get into it, you're on to the real power of marketing. You will learn so much from this, I promise. When it comes to email , one of the best things you can look at for learning purposes is how many of your emails were opened, based on a given subject line. After trying a few different subject lines and looking at the percentage that are opened, you will really hone your skills on how to write effective subject lines for a given situation.
The subject line is the most important feature of an email too-- if it isn't any good, the rest of the email won't even be read -- they never opened it!
Larry Potter
Maybe you took out an advertisement somewhere...or maybe you didn't because it felt too risky. You could write your ad, and pick a perfect spot to put it, but who knows if it would actually WORK? Would you make the money back that you spent?
Did you know that NOBODY knows the answer to this question right off the bat? Not even the most seasoned marketing experts. Of course, with experience comes a better ability to guess.
But there's a way to take the guesswork out of it. Once I learned about this, I simply haven't been able to not do it. And I've heard the same from countless marketers out there. Why gamble if you don't have to?
The answer? TEST your marketing.
Instead of just taking out one ad and seeing if it works...Takeout a few. And make them different. Then, measure the responses, and you'll be gathering hard, statistical information on what works and what doesn't.
It sounds simple, but once you get into it, you're on to the real power of marketing. You will learn so much from this, I promise. When it comes to email , one of the best things you can look at for learning purposes is how many of your emails were opened, based on a given subject line. After trying a few different subject lines and looking at the percentage that are opened, you will really hone your skills on how to write effective subject lines for a given situation.
The subject line is the most important feature of an email too-- if it isn't any good, the rest of the email won't even be read -- they never opened it!
Larry Potter
home seller assist,
little ticket to wealth
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