Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Recession Days Underdog That Can Churn Out Steady Cash

Where can you make money these days?

Don't look at the stock market. The Dow's all over the map. May be up one day - but is that real or the dreaded "sucker rally"?

Don't look to your boss. According to a survey by Watson Wyatt Worldwide, 42 percent of employers have instituted a salary freeze - and 14% of those who haven't, plan to do so.

Don't look at the government. They have other worries. I suggest you look at an old standby: the e-mail newsletter.

It can bring in serious ad revenues - even today. Better yet, it can help attract investors looking for safer places than the stock market to stow their money.

Look at DailyCandy.com, which sold to ComCast for $125 million just last fall.

Then there's Thrillist, which is making profits on $5 to $10 million a year.

Start your own Internet business, set up an e-mail newsletter, and you could make $50,000 to $5 million starting this year.

Get the exact blueprint for doing so right now.

Larry Potter

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