People buy things and join opportunities because they
expect to gain something more valuable to them than
the money they spend to get it.
They're expecting some HUGE benefit. That's WHY
they care. The good news is, YOU control whether
or not they're the right prospects.
How? You do it by targeting your advertising to reach
ONLY the prospects who are likely to have a strong need
or desire for the "benefits" you provide.
Begin by identifying the usual frustrations associated
with your kind of service or business opportunity.
Do you know what they are?
If you're promoting a direct sales or network marketing
business for instance, identify with their pain of not
having enough money or time, or not having the right
knowledge of how to build a large list quickly and target
marketing with high conversion.
Maybe they want a way to be able to stay at home with
the kids, and not have to slave away for someone else
the rest of their life. Through your written words,
you're going to want to share with them you knowledge
and experience (regardless of you level of success).
When it comes to websites and the internet, when you
strip away all the technology, the glitz, and all the
html coding, what's left? Yeah, that's right, a REAL
The common misconception out there is that if you
build it, they will come. The truth is, people don't
buy from websites, emails, products, companies,
compensation plans or classified ads... they buy
from people like YOU and ME!
There's more to making money online than just having
a professional website... It's gotta sell YOU.
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