In this day and age it is more common to hear of a Foreclosure happening to a family you know, rather than a divorce or death.
We are living in an economic kaleidoscope where every turn you make you see the same picture, just at a different angle.
Gas prices are sky high, real estate is priced to sell, and people who have owned their homes for most of their lifetime are choosing to walk away from them because they are no longer able to repay the debt.
In a recent survey, we found that the top five most common reasons for foreclosure are Divorce, Unemployment, Medical Problems, Death, or Balloon Payments. The end result is all the same, no matter the cause; a homeowner is now left to find a rental property to reside in, and another empty home is on the market listed as "bank owned".
With the flood of these bank owned properties on every multiple listing site nationwide, Investors are coming out of the woodwork to snatch these properties up for thousands below actual market value.
We find that in today's market, the average Joe is making the decision to invest in Real Estate rather than stocks, because the return on their investment is secured by real property, they are able to buy nice homes for pennies on the dollar, and the opportunity to re-sell that investment for large profits is practically guaranteed, when buying below market value!
It is important that the entire process is understood before you make the decision to bid on a foreclosure listing. There are things to consider such as value, ability to re-sell, auction hype, financing requirements, etc. A lot of this knowledge will come from many years of investing lessons learned the hard way, but what if you could go into a Foreclosure Auction with the knowledge of a seasoned investor, simply from what you learned from experiences of others?
For a compelling view on Foreclosures & Foreclosure Investing, and to learn more about how you can become successful even in this market; contact us today at
Ted Thomas is known world wide as the Foreclosure Authority. He has written many Home Study Courses to help investors and buyers across the globe realize profits in Foreclosures by unveiling secrets of the business that big bankers don't want you to know!
Article Source:
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Cal Home Sales Down, Prices Up 2009
LOS ANGELES-Home prices throughout most of California will decline in 2009, according to a forecast issued by the California Association of Realtors.
"The current uncertainty about the financial system and economy is likely to persist over the next several weeks, and could extend into next year," said CAR president William E. Brown. "Our forecast assumes that the financial system will begin to show signs of stabilization late in 2008 and into early 2009."
The Home Seller Assist program should profit greatly from this.
"The current uncertainty about the financial system and economy is likely to persist over the next several weeks, and could extend into next year," said CAR president William E. Brown. "Our forecast assumes that the financial system will begin to show signs of stabilization late in 2008 and into early 2009."
The Home Seller Assist program should profit greatly from this.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A List of Foreclosures
Free listings of foreclosures in all 50 states, including
government foreclosures and bank owned properties.
government foreclosures and bank owned properties.
Constant Improvement
If there is a mission for you in this lifetime - it cannot takeplace unless, first and foremost, you are true to yourself. If you are addicted to other peoples' approval MORE than fulfilling your goals - then you are NOT true to yourself and you cannot ever be truly happy.
Happiness does not come from friends, or from making sure you dumb yourself down to be liked. Happiness doesn't come from money, either. It doesn't come from good or bad economic times. It doesn't come from going to the World Series or flying first class. And it doesn't come from what you wear or have decorating your home.
Happiness comes from being willing to live life with gusto and enthusiasm while pursuing goals that matter to you; goals that also benefit your fellow man.
You don't make yourself or anyone else happy when you dumb yourself down. All you do is pay homage to the adage, "Misery LOVES company." Be ONE of US and all will be okay, the masses say. No it won't.
What is the world without examples of people rising to great heights despite all the cat-calls and attempts to stifle you to a life of mediocrity. What would the 2008 Olympics be without a Michael Phelps winning 8 gold medals. Imagine no medals at all for achievement - and there won't be anything worth cheering about - in any endeavor.
Being sad or depressed because someone else is doing well is no way to go through life. A far better choice is to celebrate others' success and to set a goal and create a plan that will help you do likewise.
That's what I did long, long ago - when I had nothing but an imagination to steer me toward where I am today. I never sulked when I was broker than broke - nor have I ever treated anyone with disrespect because he happens to be where I once was - or worse. Instead, I've made it a mission to do my best to help lift others UP. That's what I try to do with every thing I write; with every email I send.
Never pride yourself on poverty. Never melt toward mediocrity. Rise UP - in every sense of the word. Rise up personally. Rise up professionally. Rise up spiritually.
Be MORE than you think you can be. Stretch yourself to new limits. Regardless of what is going on before you - you can still choose to be BIGGER than your circumstances.
That's all anyone with an imagination and a pulse ever wants. Constant improvement - in good times and in bad. Make a choice to prosper in the best of times and the worst of times. Can this be done. Of course. And history proves it.
Take your first step now and join the Home Seller Assist program now!
Happiness does not come from friends, or from making sure you dumb yourself down to be liked. Happiness doesn't come from money, either. It doesn't come from good or bad economic times. It doesn't come from going to the World Series or flying first class. And it doesn't come from what you wear or have decorating your home.
Happiness comes from being willing to live life with gusto and enthusiasm while pursuing goals that matter to you; goals that also benefit your fellow man.
You don't make yourself or anyone else happy when you dumb yourself down. All you do is pay homage to the adage, "Misery LOVES company." Be ONE of US and all will be okay, the masses say. No it won't.
What is the world without examples of people rising to great heights despite all the cat-calls and attempts to stifle you to a life of mediocrity. What would the 2008 Olympics be without a Michael Phelps winning 8 gold medals. Imagine no medals at all for achievement - and there won't be anything worth cheering about - in any endeavor.
Being sad or depressed because someone else is doing well is no way to go through life. A far better choice is to celebrate others' success and to set a goal and create a plan that will help you do likewise.
That's what I did long, long ago - when I had nothing but an imagination to steer me toward where I am today. I never sulked when I was broker than broke - nor have I ever treated anyone with disrespect because he happens to be where I once was - or worse. Instead, I've made it a mission to do my best to help lift others UP. That's what I try to do with every thing I write; with every email I send.
Never pride yourself on poverty. Never melt toward mediocrity. Rise UP - in every sense of the word. Rise up personally. Rise up professionally. Rise up spiritually.
Be MORE than you think you can be. Stretch yourself to new limits. Regardless of what is going on before you - you can still choose to be BIGGER than your circumstances.
That's all anyone with an imagination and a pulse ever wants. Constant improvement - in good times and in bad. Make a choice to prosper in the best of times and the worst of times. Can this be done. Of course. And history proves it.
Take your first step now and join the Home Seller Assist program now!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Searching for a Short Sale Buyer's Agent
In soft or falling real estate markets, many buyer's agents find the bulk of sales comprise bank-owned homes and short sales. If you can find a busy buyer's agent (not an agent who closes 3 or 4 deals a year), most likely this agent will represent a lot of REO and short sale buyers. Here are ways to find an REO / short sale buyer's agent:
Referral From Friends, Coworkers or Family to REO - Short Sale Agents
Chances are someone you know has recently purchased a home. Ask for a referral to that agent, then call to inquire about REO - short sale experience. Referrals are the preferred and most popular method of finding an agent.
Call an Agent Friend and Ask for an REO - Short Sale Referral
Agents who don't negotiate a lot of bank-owned or short sale transactions generally know which agents do. Agents judge each other by harsher standards, I have discovered, than buyers judge agents, so you're likely to be directed to a top-producing buyer's agent. Plus, agents regularly pay each other referral fees, which means the referring agent has an added incentive to make sure you end up in the right hands -- because if it doesn't close, they don't get a referral fee for you.
Talk to Agents at Open Houses
Whether the host of the open house is the actual listing agent or another agent from the same office doesn't really matter as long as you aren't there to buy that particular home. Open houses give buyers a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere to talk with other agents. You can ask the agents to describe for you a recent REO or short sale experience and find out how many of these types of transactions the agents typically close every year.
Search for REO /Short Sale Agents Online
Many agents write blogs about their experiences. It's almost like reading a diary because you're given an inside peek at what goes on behind the scenes. Be careful you aren't suckered into a site where the agent relies solely on keywords for Internet traffic and doesn't really handle very many REO or short sale transactions. Ask direct questions, don't be afraid or timid.
One of my favorite agent sites is Active Rain. Scroll down to the menu of states, select a county, then a city, and read the blogs of agents who interest you. You can also search by "REO" or "short sale" from your favorite search engine site.
Sort MLS records by REO and Short Sale Agents
If you have a friend in the real estate business with access to MLS, run a search by limiting the returns to REOs and short sales, and pull up the closed sales for the past six months in your preferred ZIP code or neighborhood. Look up the buyer's agent name on each of the sales, and then go to that agent's web site for more information.
Referral From Friends, Coworkers or Family to REO - Short Sale Agents
Chances are someone you know has recently purchased a home. Ask for a referral to that agent, then call to inquire about REO - short sale experience. Referrals are the preferred and most popular method of finding an agent.
Call an Agent Friend and Ask for an REO - Short Sale Referral
Agents who don't negotiate a lot of bank-owned or short sale transactions generally know which agents do. Agents judge each other by harsher standards, I have discovered, than buyers judge agents, so you're likely to be directed to a top-producing buyer's agent. Plus, agents regularly pay each other referral fees, which means the referring agent has an added incentive to make sure you end up in the right hands -- because if it doesn't close, they don't get a referral fee for you.
Talk to Agents at Open Houses
Whether the host of the open house is the actual listing agent or another agent from the same office doesn't really matter as long as you aren't there to buy that particular home. Open houses give buyers a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere to talk with other agents. You can ask the agents to describe for you a recent REO or short sale experience and find out how many of these types of transactions the agents typically close every year.
Search for REO /Short Sale Agents Online
Many agents write blogs about their experiences. It's almost like reading a diary because you're given an inside peek at what goes on behind the scenes. Be careful you aren't suckered into a site where the agent relies solely on keywords for Internet traffic and doesn't really handle very many REO or short sale transactions. Ask direct questions, don't be afraid or timid.
One of my favorite agent sites is Active Rain. Scroll down to the menu of states, select a county, then a city, and read the blogs of agents who interest you. You can also search by "REO" or "short sale" from your favorite search engine site.
Sort MLS records by REO and Short Sale Agents
If you have a friend in the real estate business with access to MLS, run a search by limiting the returns to REOs and short sales, and pull up the closed sales for the past six months in your preferred ZIP code or neighborhood. Look up the buyer's agent name on each of the sales, and then go to that agent's web site for more information.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Up 71% ----> Foreclosures

Yep, the number of homeowners ensnared in the foreclosure crisis grew
by more than 70 percent in the third quarter of this year compared
with the same period in 2007, according to data released today.
Nationwide, nearly 766,000 homes received at least one foreclosure
related notice from July through September, up 71 percent from a
year earlier.
By the end of the year, they expect more than a million bank-owned
properties to have piled up on the market, representing around a
third of all properties for sale in the U.S.
That's bad news for anyone who lives nearby and wants to sell their
home. While foreclosure sales are booming in many areas, those
properties are commanding deep discounts and pulling down neighboring
property values. It has a pretty significant impact in terms of pricing.
More than 250,000 properties were repossessed by lenders nationwide
in the third quarter, 81,000 of which were taken back last month.
That's why the new funding program for buying short sales (without
use of the buyer's credit) is exploding the business over at and is bringing me in over $8000 per
month by just sending people to one website. And for my readers
who are working this business, we have our conference call this
evening at 8pm-Central. We'll be sharing more tips on how to
make this business even more profitable for you and hopefully
surpass my earnings. Remember, I am only 4 months into this and
it is only getting better.
Monday, October 20, 2008
SNL Palin Rap vs Joe The Plumber
If Only Sarah and Joe Knew That...
...You just send people to our site....
Make $400-$600 on each person
...Our program is catching on like wildfire...
$500,000+ made by members since mid-June...
...Learn how you can take part...
Short webcast explains all...
...Visit Us Now....
Larry Potter
...You just send people to our site....
Make $400-$600 on each person
...Our program is catching on like wildfire...
$500,000+ made by members since mid-June...
...Learn how you can take part...
Short webcast explains all...
...Visit Us Now....
Larry Potter
The Missing Ingredient in the Recipe for Riches
By now, I'm sure you realize that there has been something missing in how you've been trying to get ahead. I mean, there must be something missing or you'd have made it by now, right? That's just common sense.
So now I want to share with you what could very well be the missing ingredient – the one with the potential to set you up financially for life.
Take a tour of the back office now and see what you are missing:
Tap Here Now
So now I want to share with you what could very well be the missing ingredient – the one with the potential to set you up financially for life.
Take a tour of the back office now and see what you are missing:
Tap Here Now
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Joe The Plumber vs Autoresponders

Today`s lesson is going to introduce you to your new bestfriend -- the autoresponder.
One of the best ways to cultivate new business and save hours of time is to use an autoresponder. An autoresponder gives you the ability to follow-up *automatically* on the email addresses you capture.
Instead of wasting hours following up manually, you can let your autoresponder follow up while you do the things that you do best -- build your business...putter in the your wife around the house...catch up on your power-napping.
If you have an autoresponder, today`s lesson will show you how to make it super-effective.
An autoresponder gives you the ability to send messages effortlessly for months on end. So if you captured an email address six months ago, your autoresponder can repeatedly contact that person to offer your product or service.
Repeat contact is a concept that top marketers first used effectively in the offline world. When you conduct a direct mail campaign, you send out message after message until it`s no longer cost-effective. This strategy yields a much higher response rate than with a one-shot mailing (typically just1% or less).
Research shows that, on average, A PROSPECT MUST BE CONTACTED SEVEN TIMES before you have any real chance at closing a sale.
BE IN THE TOP 10 If you apply this strategy to your Internet marketing campaigns, you`ll have a real edge over the competition. Remember: 90% of businesses do not follow-up withprospects!
You don`t want an email-inbox crammed with ads and salesletters, and neither does anyone else. Don`t send out salesletter after sales letter. Your messages will become an annoyance and the recipient will either unsubscribe or just delete the messages whenever they arrive. By sending a series of sales letters SPACED APART BY 2-4 DAYS, you`ll keep your prospect aware of your business and develop credibility over time without being a pest.
Send freebies such as ebooks, info reports, newsletters, software, or even product samples. Many marketers use this approach by offering a newsletter.
Sneaky Salesmanship: Within the newsletter you have an excellent opportunity to plug your product with a few lines of irresistible copy. With the soft sell approach, you can contact your prospect once or even twice a week with "valuable information" -- which coincidentally mentions your product or service -- without seeming like you`re over-selling. If you`re a vacuum cleaner distributor, for example, send a newsletter on allergies and dust mites, for example.
Give away a valuable training course via email that has special appeal to your recipients! You can create a simple 3-day, 5-day, 7 day, or even longer course. And at the end of some of the course lessons you can add a few lines of copy plugging your product or service. This, too, is a soft sell approach.
Use a variation of the hard sell, soft sell approach. Simply alternate your messages. A balance of 40% hard-sell and 60% soft-sell is generally about right.
Larry Potter
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Joe The Plumber Knows - Y0u Need To Make Money Now
...Just send people to our site....
Make $400-$600 on each person
...Our program is catching on like wildfire...
$32,000 made since mid-June...
...Learn how you can take part...
Short webcast explains all...
...Visit Us Now....
Make $400-$600 on each person
...Our program is catching on like wildfire...
$32,000 made since mid-June...
...Learn how you can take part...
Short webcast explains all...
...Visit Us Now....
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Keep Your Head Above Water
It is hard for all the bad news to not put you in a negative frame of mind.
And sometimes looking at your horoscope does not help!
The thing is that there are so many options available to help you through
these seemingly depressive times and I want to share that with you today.
And no, it's not the redtube program or any google system.
You see myself and others are still able to keep our heads way above water
and not get sucked in by all the doom and gloom. What is it we do?
All we simply do is send people to the Home Seller Assist website, we don't
sell, recruit or any of that truly can't get any easier then this.
The best part is its a great way to see $400 - $600 in your pocket each week,
delivered right to your bank account. All I ask of you is that you take a few
minutes to watch the short video at and hear more
on how you can "Beat the Recession" and fill your pockets instead.
Thank you.
Larry Potter, Pres.
And sometimes looking at your horoscope does not help!
The thing is that there are so many options available to help you through
these seemingly depressive times and I want to share that with you today.
And no, it's not the redtube program or any google system.
You see myself and others are still able to keep our heads way above water
and not get sucked in by all the doom and gloom. What is it we do?
All we simply do is send people to the Home Seller Assist website, we don't
sell, recruit or any of that truly can't get any easier then this.
The best part is its a great way to see $400 - $600 in your pocket each week,
delivered right to your bank account. All I ask of you is that you take a few
minutes to watch the short video at and hear more
on how you can "Beat the Recession" and fill your pockets instead.
Thank you.
Larry Potter, Pres.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Effective Email Marketing
If you want an email campaign to succeed, you don`t want to
offend anyone when sending your messages. Turn off a
consumer with your email and you can be sure they`ll
tune out your message. Don`t let this happen to you!
Train yourself to always -- and I mean ALWAYS -- stick to
the rules below when crafting your email message.
Whenever you write an email, always format the lines so that
they`re 65 characters, or less, across. To do this, you may
need to do a "hard return" by hitting "Enter" at the end of
the line.
Wondering why to limit your lines to just 65 characters?
(Good question! It shows you`re thinking.) There are two
reasons that "less is more":
-- The first thing to remember is that looking at a computer
screen for a long time causes EYE FATIGUE for many readers.
The shorter span of characters across the screen makes
reading easier and more appealing to the recipient of your
email message.
-- The other reason to go short instead of long is this:
at 60-65 characters on received messages. If your email
is wrapped at 70, the content will arrive all "chopped up."
This makes it unattractive...and worse -- unappealing.
-- Tip within a Rule #1: Email clients such as Outlook
Express allow you to SET THE LINE-WRAP to any
character-width you choose. That means you won`t have to
hit Enter each time after typing 65 characters. Makes life
-- Tip within a Rule #2 - You can type 65 asterisks or
dashes in a Notepad file to create a template. Then paste
your email below it to see if any lines extend too far to
the right.
How many times have you changed the TV channel to avoid
listening to a screaming car salesperson? No one likes a
screaming salesperson...and no one likes a "screaming" email
message, either. Odds are, when someone has over-amped the
volume of their message by using too many capital letters
(not to mention too many exclamation points and other
punctuation) - you`re going to be turned off.
On the Internet, email messages written in all caps are
considered yelling. It`s okay to write some sentences and
some words in all caps, but don`t go overboard. (As you can
see in this message, I`ve tried to use capital letters to
help break up sections of the content from time to time)
-- Tip within a Rule: Consumers buy from a source they
trust. Emails in all caps are perceived as "shady" or
uneducated, and have an appearance that damages the
credibility of an offer.
=> RULE #3 - WATCH YOUR Ps & Qs (Spelling and Grammar)
Would you be influenced by an email selling you something
that had noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes? Sure you
would...and the influence would be negative, not positive!
When a consumer reads a sales message that`s filled with
errors, they think to themselves, "Good grief, this person
doesn`t even take the time to get his emails right. His
product is probably the same quality as his emails."
When you`re in business, YOUR IMAGE IS YOUR REPUTATION
and your reputation is the reason people buy from you or the
guy down the block. It`s essential that you create an image
of your prospects. Sending emails filled with errors doesn`t
hurt your professional destroys it. (Ouch!)
Attend the live webcast at each
Tues and Wed evening at 7pm Central followed by a Q&A session.
offend anyone when sending your messages. Turn off a
consumer with your email and you can be sure they`ll
tune out your message. Don`t let this happen to you!
Train yourself to always -- and I mean ALWAYS -- stick to
the rules below when crafting your email message.
Whenever you write an email, always format the lines so that
they`re 65 characters, or less, across. To do this, you may
need to do a "hard return" by hitting "Enter" at the end of
the line.
Wondering why to limit your lines to just 65 characters?
(Good question! It shows you`re thinking.) There are two
reasons that "less is more":
-- The first thing to remember is that looking at a computer
screen for a long time causes EYE FATIGUE for many readers.
The shorter span of characters across the screen makes
reading easier and more appealing to the recipient of your
email message.
-- The other reason to go short instead of long is this:
at 60-65 characters on received messages. If your email
is wrapped at 70, the content will arrive all "chopped up."
This makes it unattractive...and worse -- unappealing.
-- Tip within a Rule #1: Email clients such as Outlook
Express allow you to SET THE LINE-WRAP to any
character-width you choose. That means you won`t have to
hit Enter each time after typing 65 characters. Makes life
-- Tip within a Rule #2 - You can type 65 asterisks or
dashes in a Notepad file to create a template. Then paste
your email below it to see if any lines extend too far to
the right.
How many times have you changed the TV channel to avoid
listening to a screaming car salesperson? No one likes a
screaming salesperson...and no one likes a "screaming" email
message, either. Odds are, when someone has over-amped the
volume of their message by using too many capital letters
(not to mention too many exclamation points and other
punctuation) - you`re going to be turned off.
On the Internet, email messages written in all caps are
considered yelling. It`s okay to write some sentences and
some words in all caps, but don`t go overboard. (As you can
see in this message, I`ve tried to use capital letters to
help break up sections of the content from time to time)
-- Tip within a Rule: Consumers buy from a source they
trust. Emails in all caps are perceived as "shady" or
uneducated, and have an appearance that damages the
credibility of an offer.
=> RULE #3 - WATCH YOUR Ps & Qs (Spelling and Grammar)
Would you be influenced by an email selling you something
that had noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes? Sure you
would...and the influence would be negative, not positive!
When a consumer reads a sales message that`s filled with
errors, they think to themselves, "Good grief, this person
doesn`t even take the time to get his emails right. His
product is probably the same quality as his emails."
When you`re in business, YOUR IMAGE IS YOUR REPUTATION
and your reputation is the reason people buy from you or the
guy down the block. It`s essential that you create an image
of your prospects. Sending emails filled with errors doesn`t
hurt your professional destroys it. (Ouch!)
Attend the live webcast at each
Tues and Wed evening at 7pm Central followed by a Q&A session.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Know Where to “Pan” And Get Rich
Everyone is dipping their hands in the Internet money-making river, and finding a few "gold nuggets" here and there... But a few people are extracting wagon loads of money from one secret spot.
And, as much as those "lucky few" are frantically scooping up their share, this secret spot keeps growing by leaps and bounds every year, and there's no way they can keep up. Truth be told, there's too much "gold" here to take home in several lifetimes – even if thousands of people find this spot. This could very well be the mother lode of online business profits.
Think I'm making this up? Try this number: $170 BILLION. That's how much was ready to be scooped up last year. This year, the pot will only get bigger. Much bigger.
So, come get yours.
And, as much as those "lucky few" are frantically scooping up their share, this secret spot keeps growing by leaps and bounds every year, and there's no way they can keep up. Truth be told, there's too much "gold" here to take home in several lifetimes – even if thousands of people find this spot. This could very well be the mother lode of online business profits.
Think I'm making this up? Try this number: $170 BILLION. That's how much was ready to be scooped up last year. This year, the pot will only get bigger. Much bigger.
So, come get yours.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Should Making Money Online Be Easy?
I hear stories of budding Internet entrepreneurs jumping through hoops
to make a buck. And sure, many times building a solid, long term business
does take real effort. But you can also quietly pocket some decent dough
online for much less work.
In this case, you can copy the exact steps I used to make almost $30,000
in 3 months. No, that's not a misprint.
What's stopping you from doing the same? The program is called Home Seller Assist
and was created by John Alexander.
Learn more by attending the live webcast each Tues and Wed evening at 7pm-
Central at
Just register at the botton now and be prepared to make some money....
Larry Potter
to make a buck. And sure, many times building a solid, long term business
does take real effort. But you can also quietly pocket some decent dough
online for much less work.
In this case, you can copy the exact steps I used to make almost $30,000
in 3 months. No, that's not a misprint.
What's stopping you from doing the same? The program is called Home Seller Assist
and was created by John Alexander.
Learn more by attending the live webcast each Tues and Wed evening at 7pm-
Central at
Just register at the botton now and be prepared to make some money....
Larry Potter
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Problem Is Still Falling House Prices
A successful plan to stabilize the U.S. economy and prevent a deep global recession must do more than buy back impaired debt from financial institutions. It must address the fundamental cause of the crisis: the downward spiral of house prices that devastates household wealth and destroys the capital of financial institutions that hold mortgages and mortgage-backed securities.
We need a firewall to break the downward spiral of house prices. Here's how it might work. The federal government would offer any homeowner with a mortgage an opportunity to replace 20% of the mortgage with a low-interest loan from the government, subject to a maximum of $80,000. This would be available to new buyers as well as those with mortgages. The interest on that loan would reflect the government's cost of funds and could be as low as 2%. ...
Consider a homeowner who has a mortgage equal to 90% of the value of his home. The 15% decline in the value of his house that may be needed to bring it back to its prebubble level would shift that homeowner into negative equity. Further price declines would make default attractive. But the 20% mortgage replacement loan would take the loan-to-value ratio to 72% from 90%, making it unlikely that prices would fall far enough to push him into negative equity. An interest saving that could be as large as $3,000 a year would provide a strong incentive to accept the mortgage-replacement loan, even if the individual thinks that he might temporarily have a moderate level of negative equity.
We have now introduced our newest program that provides you with Private Funds
to use for Flipping Short Sale Transactions. Line up a prequalified buyer
and our Investor can provide the Proof of Funds and the Cash to buy the
short sale from the Bank.
Cost of Funds is 1% plus $300 flat fee all paid from your profits at closing.
Buy a home worth $200,000 in a short sale for $100,000 and resale for $150,000.
You keep $50,000 minus 1% (1,000+$300 flat fee).
We need a firewall to break the downward spiral of house prices. Here's how it might work. The federal government would offer any homeowner with a mortgage an opportunity to replace 20% of the mortgage with a low-interest loan from the government, subject to a maximum of $80,000. This would be available to new buyers as well as those with mortgages. The interest on that loan would reflect the government's cost of funds and could be as low as 2%. ...
Consider a homeowner who has a mortgage equal to 90% of the value of his home. The 15% decline in the value of his house that may be needed to bring it back to its prebubble level would shift that homeowner into negative equity. Further price declines would make default attractive. But the 20% mortgage replacement loan would take the loan-to-value ratio to 72% from 90%, making it unlikely that prices would fall far enough to push him into negative equity. An interest saving that could be as large as $3,000 a year would provide a strong incentive to accept the mortgage-replacement loan, even if the individual thinks that he might temporarily have a moderate level of negative equity.
We have now introduced our newest program that provides you with Private Funds
to use for Flipping Short Sale Transactions. Line up a prequalified buyer
and our Investor can provide the Proof of Funds and the Cash to buy the
short sale from the Bank.
Cost of Funds is 1% plus $300 flat fee all paid from your profits at closing.
Buy a home worth $200,000 in a short sale for $100,000 and resale for $150,000.
You keep $50,000 minus 1% (1,000+$300 flat fee).
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What Are People Buying When They Buy Business Opportunities?
People buy things and join opportunities because they
expect to gain something more valuable to them than
the money they spend to get it.
They're expecting some HUGE benefit. That's WHY
they care. The good news is, YOU control whether
or not they're the right prospects.
How? You do it by targeting your advertising to reach
ONLY the prospects who are likely to have a strong need
or desire for the "benefits" you provide.
Begin by identifying the usual frustrations associated
with your kind of service or business opportunity.
Do you know what they are?
If you're promoting a direct sales or network marketing
business for instance, identify with their pain of not
having enough money or time, or not having the right
knowledge of how to build a large list quickly and target
marketing with high conversion.
Maybe they want a way to be able to stay at home with
the kids, and not have to slave away for someone else
the rest of their life. Through your written words,
you're going to want to share with them you knowledge
and experience (regardless of you level of success).
When it comes to websites and the internet, when you
strip away all the technology, the glitz, and all the
html coding, what's left? Yeah, that's right, a REAL
The common misconception out there is that if you
build it, they will come. The truth is, people don't
buy from websites, emails, products, companies,
compensation plans or classified ads... they buy
from people like YOU and ME!
There's more to making money online than just having
a professional website... It's gotta sell YOU.
A $5 Trick for Collecting What You're Owed
There's a way to increase your chances of collecting from a delinquent customer - or anyone else who owes you money - without worrying about a potentially nasty confrontation. Here's how...
In a firm but professional manner, write a letter demanding payment. Then send it by certified mail. It will cost about $5.
Unlike phone calls and e-mail messages, certified mail is hard to ignore. And it's intimidating to have someone in an official capacity (the letter carrier) require your signature. Not only that, but people who are somewhat educated about legal procedures will recognize that this could be your final step before you take legal action. (Certified mail is frequently used to establish that an effort was made to communicate with the target of a lawsuit.) That could be the impetus they need to pay up.
In a firm but professional manner, write a letter demanding payment. Then send it by certified mail. It will cost about $5.
Unlike phone calls and e-mail messages, certified mail is hard to ignore. And it's intimidating to have someone in an official capacity (the letter carrier) require your signature. Not only that, but people who are somewhat educated about legal procedures will recognize that this could be your final step before you take legal action. (Certified mail is frequently used to establish that an effort was made to communicate with the target of a lawsuit.) That could be the impetus they need to pay up.
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