Ever watch Who's the Boss. One episode still stands out for me. Though the details may have become muddled with time, here's the gist of it: Housekeeper Tony takes a class on advertising from ad exec Angela. His assignment? To come up with a commercial selling laundry detergent.
The end product involves Amazonian women wrestling in mud. All the guys in Tony's class love it. But Angela gives it a failing grade. Why? Because Tony had forgotten who his target audience was: women. And women would be either uninterested in Tony's commercial... or, worse, offended by it.
Seems like a no-brainer, right? You've got to know who your target audience is before you write an email.
Of course, big-name brand advertisers forget this rule all the time. But that doesn't mean it's okay - or that you can afford to ignore it.
When you sit down to write an email, always begin with your prospective customer. The best idea... the best execution... and all the money in the world won't matter if your ad doesn't connect with your target audience.
And do not forget to visit http://www.fastbuyerloans.com each Tues and Wed evening at 7pm - Central as John Alexander holds a live webcast on the Home Seller Assist program, also known as We Provide The Cash.
Larry Potter
Monday, September 29, 2008
Backup Mailing Program
Good Morning Everyone,
Rich may have our new mailer up and running this week.
In the meantime, one of my members, Kosta, sent me this
site: http://www.ymlp.com
First you setup a no cost account and then you can send
a message to ten email addresses. After that you can upgrade
to be able to send to 1000 at no cost. I just sent ten with
one being to me and got this message from the service:
Dear YMLP Customer,
The delivery of your newsletter (Subject: "50% debt-to-income ratios ok...", posted at September 29 2008, 10:04:24 am) has started.
The newsletter will be sent to 10 recipients.
Kind regards,
So, we will see if it will send one to my MSN account, it may kick it out since
that is the address I signed up under.
I have also set up a new domain name to take advantage of the new funding at
http://www.FUNDSFORSHORTSALES.COM, but it has not worked thru the system yet.
Rich may have our new mailer up and running this week.
In the meantime, one of my members, Kosta, sent me this
site: http://www.ymlp.com
First you setup a no cost account and then you can send
a message to ten email addresses. After that you can upgrade
to be able to send to 1000 at no cost. I just sent ten with
one being to me and got this message from the service:
Dear YMLP Customer,
The delivery of your newsletter (Subject: "50% debt-to-income ratios ok...", posted at September 29 2008, 10:04:24 am) has started.
The newsletter will be sent to 10 recipients.
Kind regards,
So, we will see if it will send one to my MSN account, it may kick it out since
that is the address I signed up under.
I have also set up a new domain name to take advantage of the new funding at
http://www.FUNDSFORSHORTSALES.COM, but it has not worked thru the system yet.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Break through the clutter by...

...and get more buisiness by taking these three steps:
1. Catch their attention.
If you use an e-mail to get to the decision-maker you're trying to reach, your attention-getter will be your headline. If you intend to contact him in person, it will be the first sentence you say. Whatever method you use, you must have a powerful grabber that will make him want to take action and use the Home Seller Assist program.
Example: "The Home Seller Assist program will enlarge your bank account."
2. Show them how to promote your product.
Don't just write a couple of paragraphs saying that HSA is sure to sell like hotcakes. You need to convince the decision-maker that it can be marketed effectively.
Show him exactly how to do it. Create some promotional literature for the product, including sample ads, Web pages, and/or e-mail copy like I provide you. Give him a marketing plan that they can put into action and quickly start seeing profits pour in.
3. Have the actual program in your possession. (join now)
A young man I know had a great idea for a breakthrough technology for computer games. The executive he met with loved it. Then he said, "Let me try it out and see how it works."
The deal soured when my friend admitted that all he had was a computer program that illustrated how it could be done.
If you don't actually have the product, the best you can hope for is that your prospect will ask you to get in touch with him when you do. But that's a long way from making a deal. If you expect to close a deal on the spot, you need to have the goods, so you need to be a member now.
You may be thinking, "Why would a big company need me? Surely they can develop their own program to market."
Well, what they want is what anyone in their position wants: a potential money machine handed to them on a silver platter. If you can provide the full package - the program as well as some good marketing ideas for it - you will get very serious consideration... and maybe your first "Home Seller Assist" deal.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Becoming a Millionaire?

Becoming a millionaire just isn't as tough as it used to be.
Last year, in fact, the number of millionaire households in the U.S. jumped to 9.9 million.
That puts YOUR chances of becoming a millionaire at around 1 in 30.
Pretty good odds, don't you think?
Of course, you can't just sit around, waiting for millions of dollars to fall into your lap.
So what's the best way to hasten your journey to financial independence?
Start your own business.
According to an Am-Ex Harrison survey, that's how half of all millionaires made their money.
But don't be intimidated. Starting and growing a business is easier than you may think.
And it's your ticket to incredible wealth, freedom, and opportunity.
Find out how YOU could become a member of the Millionaires Club by the end of 2009.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Who Did It?!?!?!?

Who caused the current mortgage/credit crisis, one where financial institutions have taken $500 billion in writedowns and Uncle Sam is ready to start buying $700 billion in CMBS (crummy mortgage-backed securities)?
Answer: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
If you heard Sen. "Libby" Dole (R-N.C.) vent her spleen at yesterday's Senate hearing on the mess, you would've thought that Franklin Raines, ,Jim Johnson, Leland Brendsel and a host of other former CEOs might be headed to the "Big House."
Sen. Dole said the current crisis is "linked to mismanagement of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." Of course, Ms. Dole needs to start reading the trade press and a few of the current books out on the crisis.
But the mess was definitely created by Wall Street -- not Fannie and Freddie. Wall Street financed the non-banks, bought their subprime loans, packaged them into securities and then speculated on the bonds by using credit default swaps.
Ms. Dole, of course, is hoping to pin the crisis on the GSEs because as everyone knows the Democrats were bought off (in the form of campaign donations) by Fannie and Freddie.
Then again, so too were the Republicans -- but to a lesser degree. Ms. Dole almost broke her arm patting herself on the back, pointing out that she tried to impose tighter guidelines on the two GSEs many moons ago.
Of course all of this is helping the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander and also known as We Provide The Cash. Tune in each Tues and Wed at 7PM-Central at http://www.fastbuyerloans.com for a webcast followed by a Q&A session.
Then head over to http://www.myspace.com/homebusinessnow and read the tips in our blog located there.
Larry Potter
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
50 Subprime Probes Pending
The Securities and Exchange Commission revealed Tuesday that it has 50 pending
subprime-related investigations involving residential lenders, investment banking
firms, credit rating agencies, and other players involved in the securitization
It is things like this that is making the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander so poplar. Tune in each Tues and Wed evening at 7pm - Central at
http://www.fastbuyerloans.com and learn how you can cash in on this 8 different ways!
subprime-related investigations involving residential lenders, investment banking
firms, credit rating agencies, and other players involved in the securitization
It is things like this that is making the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander so poplar. Tune in each Tues and Wed evening at 7pm - Central at
http://www.fastbuyerloans.com and learn how you can cash in on this 8 different ways!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Choose Correctly

Business gurus like to tell people that you can be successful at any business, so long as you do X or Y or Z. But the hard truth is that some businesses will do much better than others. It's not just your personal qualities that count. And it's not how much capital or human resources you have either. It's picking the right business for the market you are in.
When you decide to become wealthy, you should take some time to consider your goals and ambitions before you select the business you will start. Don't believe the gurus who tell you any business will do. Yes, you can start a children's clothing business if it suits your fancy, but don't expect it to become a big moneymaker if the marketplace can't give you the support.
For fast growth, choose a hot business in a hot market in an economy that is expanding. Manufacturing cheap clothing in Brazil fits the bill. Selling children's clothing in Nicaragua doesn't.
Now if you plan to take your business to the Internet - and I highly recommend that you do - you have a little more wiggle room. Because then your market expands to include the entire world.
But you must still be in the right business at the right time.
Have a great day.......
Larry Potter
Saturday, September 20, 2008
You Can Keep Your Current Job While You Quickly Transition Into Your New Business
How in the world do these money-making programs expect you to work tons of hours building up a new business while holding down your current job? Many just aren't practical. But I've found a new program that is loaded with methods to get you into a new business while you are working at another job.
You can put in as little as 2 to 3 hours a week in your new business, and still bring in nice profits fairly quickly - often in just a week or two. And once your business is bringing in enough income, you can quit your current job and focus full-time on your new business. You get to choose which business to get into (there are 20 to choose from), there's no limit on what you can make, and it is easier than ever to get started.
You'll learn why when checking out all the exciting details here.
You can put in as little as 2 to 3 hours a week in your new business, and still bring in nice profits fairly quickly - often in just a week or two. And once your business is bringing in enough income, you can quit your current job and focus full-time on your new business. You get to choose which business to get into (there are 20 to choose from), there's no limit on what you can make, and it is easier than ever to get started.
You'll learn why when checking out all the exciting details here.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Buying at the Wrong Time
Look not only at what is happening in an area, but also how long it's been happening. The announcement of major new land allocations to green space, for example, can be a good thing - but buying several years after the fact could be a purchase into a market about to change.
One of my students bought a nice three-bedroom brick home in a good rental area. Based on his research and knowledge of the area, he purchased the home with 100 percent financing and rented it for a $100 per month positive net cash flow (after paying mortgage, taxes, and insurance).
He bought this home because he could see that the path of commercial development was headed right through the area where it is located. And he plans on holding onto it until commercial development drives up the property's value and he can apply for rezoning to office/commercial and either sell or lease it.
He knows that he will need to hold onto this property for four to five years to maximize his profits, but since he bought it with 100 percent financing and the place actually makes him money every month, he is in no rush.
One of my students bought a nice three-bedroom brick home in a good rental area. Based on his research and knowledge of the area, he purchased the home with 100 percent financing and rented it for a $100 per month positive net cash flow (after paying mortgage, taxes, and insurance).
He bought this home because he could see that the path of commercial development was headed right through the area where it is located. And he plans on holding onto it until commercial development drives up the property's value and he can apply for rezoning to office/commercial and either sell or lease it.
He knows that he will need to hold onto this property for four to five years to maximize his profits, but since he bought it with 100 percent financing and the place actually makes him money every month, he is in no rush.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Prosper Amidst the Economic Meltdown

Lehman Brothers gone bankrupt... Merrill Lynch taken over... and AIG, the world's largest insurance company, forced into restructuring.
The financial news has gone from bad to very bad... and horrible may be yet to come.
"It's clear we're one step away from a financial meltdown," says Nouriel Roubini, chairman of the consulting firm RGE Monitor.
Since you can't depend on the government... you can't depend on your employer... and you sure as heck can't depend on the banks and Wall Street...
Who CAN you depend on? Who MUST you depend on?
Gaze into any crystal ball and you'll see only two classes of people whose future looks bright: Billionaires and Self-reliant entrepreneurs.
We can't make you a billionaire (not right away, at least)... but we CAN make you a thriving entrepreneur... maybe even a multi-millionaire.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Mortgage rates are lower, but getting a home loan is no easier

The government takeover of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has pushed mortgage rates lower, a boon for some home buyers and homeowners seeking to refinance, but it is not automatically going to make home loans easier to obtain.
In the wake of the takeover, interest rates on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages dropped substantially, falling under 6% for the first time since May, according to Freddie Mac's weekly rate survey. The national average for the 30-year fixed-rate was 5.93% for the week ending Sept. 11, down from 6.35% last week and 6.31% a year ago.
Still, coming up with a bigger down payment has been a barrier for some first-time home buyers, while others have struggled with tighter underwriting that lenders have put in place in response to the weakened housing market.
This is where the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander is catching on like wildfire and providing a great income opportunity for those who know how to capitalize on this worsening condition. Watch the webcasts at http://www.fastbuyerloans.com to see how you can generate a nice income on this.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
*** Now use our Investor Funds to Flip Shortsales***

...They put up the money when you get a buyer lined up...
using our Financing Program...
...Split the profits 50/50...
Buying shortsales at 50% of appraisal is common right now....
...Don't let this market pass you by...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Is There Really a Money "Code" That Brings You Quick Profits?

Whether you're an average Joe or a major player on Wall Street, there is one proven way to jumpstart your cash flow and pull in some big bucks.
This "back door" to wealth-building is, for some, a close-to-perfect formula for consistently making money... regardless of what shape the economy is in.
Best part: It is easy to follow this method and it flat out WORKS fast. To get the full scoop and all the exciting details, watch the live webcast at http://www.fastbuyerloans.com on Tues and Wed evenings at 7pm - central
Don't forget to register at the bottom of the page. I'll be there too.
Larry Potter, Pres.
Monday, September 8, 2008
FHFA/Treasury in Historic Takeover of GSEs
On Sunday morning the new GSE regulatory agency placed congressionally chartered
mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into separate conservatorships, as the
government committed $100 billion to each while removing their CEOs and laying the
groundwork for a radical and historic restructuring of the entire U.S. mortgage
market. This could greatly help the Home Seller Assist program, so tune in on Tues
and Wed evenings at 7pm - central at http://www.fastsellerloans.com and get the
latest on We Provide The Cash from founder, John Alexander.
mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into separate conservatorships, as the
government committed $100 billion to each while removing their CEOs and laying the
groundwork for a radical and historic restructuring of the entire U.S. mortgage
market. This could greatly help the Home Seller Assist program, so tune in on Tues
and Wed evenings at 7pm - central at http://www.fastsellerloans.com and get the
latest on We Provide The Cash from founder, John Alexander.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
In case you missed the HSA webcast last night, I didn't want you to miss...
...the tour into the platinum membership area which they took everyone on last night.
You will be amazed at the tools for flipping homes that you see demonstrated in this
webcast. Watch it now at:http://www.wealthontv.com/genintros03.wmvLarry Potter
PS: Remember, you can become part of this right now, by simply going here and
joining me. http://www.fastsellerloans.com/
I've made almost $18,000 since June 23rd!
You will be amazed at the tools for flipping homes that you see demonstrated in this
webcast. Watch it now at:http://www.wealthontv.com/genintros03.wmvLarry Potter
PS: Remember, you can become part of this right now, by simply going here and
joining me. http://www.fastsellerloans.com/
I've made almost $18,000 since June 23rd!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Weekly Applications Jump
The Market Composite Index, an overall measure of mortgage applications, jumped from 421.6
to 453.1 on a seasonally adjusted basis during the week ended Aug. 29, according to the
Mortgage Bankers Association's Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey.
Don't forget the webcast for the Home Seller Assist program by John Alexander this evening at www.fastsellerloans.com
After John Alexander goes over the temporary seller financing program (Home Seller Assist),
we have our training session for members.
If you are not a member, but have a buyer you would like to submit for financing, you can direct them to www.webuyfastnow.com where they can click on the Buyer's Application on the left and fax it into the number on the cover sheet.
Larry Potter, Pres.
to 453.1 on a seasonally adjusted basis during the week ended Aug. 29, according to the
Mortgage Bankers Association's Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey.
Don't forget the webcast for the Home Seller Assist program by John Alexander this evening at www.fastsellerloans.com
After John Alexander goes over the temporary seller financing program (Home Seller Assist),
we have our training session for members.
If you are not a member, but have a buyer you would like to submit for financing, you can direct them to www.webuyfastnow.com where they can click on the Buyer's Application on the left and fax it into the number on the cover sheet.
Larry Potter, Pres.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Overcoming the "Technical Learning Curve"
Starting an Internet business takes work - but it's easier than you may think. Unfortunately, many people are stumped by the "technical" side of it. Here is just one example of the kind of e-mail I get from frustrated entrepreneurs on a daily basis...
"What if you do not know your way around a computer? What if that is why you are sitting with $1,000 worth of products and cannot use them because you just do not understand the technical stuff and do not find any material or help on the subject... and it takes so long to teach yourself that you just give up?
"Wouldn't it be great if someone would write a manual for newbies, telling them what to do and how to do it and translating everything that their webmaster is talking about!"
Does that sound familiar?
If you are new to computers, the learning curve involved in starting an online business can seem insurmountable. On top of trying to figure out the business and marketing part, you're faced with technical challenges around every corner.
So if you are a complete newbie with very little computer experience - but are desperately eager to start a business on the Internet - where do you begin?
Here is a step-by-step action plan that will give you the technical knowledge you need to get your business up and running as quickly as possible...
Step #1: Assess and build your general computer skills.
If you are reading this, it's safe to assume that you have basic computer skills and know how to use common programs (such as Microsoft Word and Internet Explorer), send e-mail, and navigate to different files on your computer.
If you are not comfortable with these tasks, you need to get yourself up to speed. You could take an "Introduction to Computers" course at your local community college. But the easiest way to do it is with the following books:
PCs for Dummies (or Mac for Dummies)
Windows for Dummies(or Mac OS X for Dummies)
Don't take the "Dummies" in the titles personally. These books will teach you the fundamentals, so you can spend less time banging your head against your keyboard and more time building your business. (Best of all, they can be purchased for less than $20 each on Amazon.com.)
It shouldn't take long to learn what you need to know. If you spend an hour a day reading one of the books mentioned above, you'll be able to do it in just a couple of weeks.
Step #2: Assess and build your general Internet skills.
Once you're comfortable with your basic computer skills, it's time to move on to your Internet skills. You have to know your way around the Web if you want to build a successful online business.
This doesn't mean you need to know the technical details of how the Internet works. (For example, you're not going to fail if you don't know what "http" means.) But you should understand the basic principles of how websites work and how they fit into the big picture of the Internet.
The best way to figure that out is with the book Internet for Dummies. And then you'll be ready to proceed to the next step.
Step #3: Build a basic website. But with the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander, that work is already done for you. When you join us you get one like this: www.webuyfastnow.com and the www.fastsellerloans.com
Step #4: Get your business started.
Watch the live presentations each Tues and Wed at 7pm Central at www.fastsellerloans.com and if you join under me, I will send you the info on what I do.
That's it. Now you're ready to start building your business on the Internet!
Larry Potter, Pres.
"What if you do not know your way around a computer? What if that is why you are sitting with $1,000 worth of products and cannot use them because you just do not understand the technical stuff and do not find any material or help on the subject... and it takes so long to teach yourself that you just give up?
"Wouldn't it be great if someone would write a manual for newbies, telling them what to do and how to do it and translating everything that their webmaster is talking about!"
Does that sound familiar?
If you are new to computers, the learning curve involved in starting an online business can seem insurmountable. On top of trying to figure out the business and marketing part, you're faced with technical challenges around every corner.
So if you are a complete newbie with very little computer experience - but are desperately eager to start a business on the Internet - where do you begin?
Here is a step-by-step action plan that will give you the technical knowledge you need to get your business up and running as quickly as possible...
Step #1: Assess and build your general computer skills.
If you are reading this, it's safe to assume that you have basic computer skills and know how to use common programs (such as Microsoft Word and Internet Explorer), send e-mail, and navigate to different files on your computer.
If you are not comfortable with these tasks, you need to get yourself up to speed. You could take an "Introduction to Computers" course at your local community college. But the easiest way to do it is with the following books:
PCs for Dummies (or Mac for Dummies)
Windows for Dummies(or Mac OS X for Dummies)
Don't take the "Dummies" in the titles personally. These books will teach you the fundamentals, so you can spend less time banging your head against your keyboard and more time building your business. (Best of all, they can be purchased for less than $20 each on Amazon.com.)
It shouldn't take long to learn what you need to know. If you spend an hour a day reading one of the books mentioned above, you'll be able to do it in just a couple of weeks.
Step #2: Assess and build your general Internet skills.
Once you're comfortable with your basic computer skills, it's time to move on to your Internet skills. You have to know your way around the Web if you want to build a successful online business.
This doesn't mean you need to know the technical details of how the Internet works. (For example, you're not going to fail if you don't know what "http" means.) But you should understand the basic principles of how websites work and how they fit into the big picture of the Internet.
The best way to figure that out is with the book Internet for Dummies. And then you'll be ready to proceed to the next step.
Step #3: Build a basic website. But with the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander, that work is already done for you. When you join us you get one like this: www.webuyfastnow.com and the www.fastsellerloans.com
Step #4: Get your business started.
Watch the live presentations each Tues and Wed at 7pm Central at www.fastsellerloans.com and if you join under me, I will send you the info on what I do.
That's it. Now you're ready to start building your business on the Internet!
Larry Potter, Pres.
Monday, September 1, 2008
We have changed the webcast times..
... to increase the Biz Opp broadcast and to make the calls flow correctly.
Retail Seller's Webcast/Call is now done only on Tuesday at 9:30 pm EST
The Business Opportunity Webcast/Call is held every Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:00 pm EST.
The call times have been updated and are under the videos on the web page at WeProvideTheCash.
The weekly HSA Training Call is held at 9:30 EST on Wednesdays.
Retail Seller's Webcast/Call is now done only on Tuesday at 9:30 pm EST
The Business Opportunity Webcast/Call is held every Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:00 pm EST.
The call times have been updated and are under the videos on the web page at WeProvideTheCash.
The weekly HSA Training Call is held at 9:30 EST on Wednesdays.
The Fed's lending to distressed institutions is going berserk.
For most of the decade, banks largely avoided borrowing from the Fed. There was plenty of cheap money available elsewhere. They had little reason to submit to the extra scrutiny that it required. And there was little stress in the banking system.
Now, all that has changed.
Now, borrowing at the Fed's discount window has surged - from a weekly average of a meager $1 million per day at its low point last year to a weekly average of $18,469 million per day last week.
What would be the growth rate of an explosion of that magnitude? "Only" 1.7 MILLION percent - not exactly a sign of stability in our financial system.
The fact is the Fed's lending is going berserk, a blatant indicator of severe stress and more big troubles ahead for banks.
Now, all that has changed.
Now, borrowing at the Fed's discount window has surged - from a weekly average of a meager $1 million per day at its low point last year to a weekly average of $18,469 million per day last week.
What would be the growth rate of an explosion of that magnitude? "Only" 1.7 MILLION percent - not exactly a sign of stability in our financial system.
The fact is the Fed's lending is going berserk, a blatant indicator of severe stress and more big troubles ahead for banks.
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