Business gurus like to tell people that you can be successful at any business, so long as you do X or Y or Z. But the hard truth is that some businesses will do much better than others. It's not just your personal qualities that count. And it's not how much capital or human resources you have either. It's picking the right business for the market you are in.
When you decide to become wealthy, you should take some time to consider your goals and ambitions before you select the business you will start. Don't believe the gurus who tell you any business will do. Yes, you can start a children's clothing business if it suits your fancy, but don't expect it to become a big moneymaker if the marketplace can't give you the support.
For fast growth, choose a hot business in a hot market in an economy that is expanding. Manufacturing cheap clothing in Brazil fits the bill. Selling children's clothing in Nicaragua doesn't.
Now if you plan to take your business to the Internet - and I highly recommend that you do - you have a little more wiggle room. Because then your market expands to include the entire world.
But you must still be in the right business at the right time.
Have a great day.......
Larry Potter
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