Friday, April 24, 2009

Change is coming.

Something is stirring in the wind.

Change is coming.

Some of what you're seeing now won't be
around much longer. It's going to be taken
away and replaced with something else.

Some of these changes may be good; some
of them may be bad.

But if you're still here afterward, you've got to
deal with them - and make a choice as to how
you want to live - and continue to change - and
continue to be effective.

Every breath you take represents change. So
does every thought you think.

Every cell in your body is replaced within seven
years. The physical YOU of today isn't the same
as yesterday - only the consciousness that you
bring from day to day.

So who you going to be - right NOW - this very

Make a choice.

You're the actor on this stage called life. You're
also the screen writer, director, producer and

You're the one who is going to make the changes
in who you are.

What changes do you want to make?

Who do you want to be?

Who are you right now?

What do you need to think and do to get where you
want to go in life?

These are questions for YOU to ponder. After all,
change is inevitable. You either consciously begin
to choose the changes you want - or have them
forced upon you by others.


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