Here are the basic steps:
1. Come up with two options for your prospect. Make sure there are logical arguments for both alternatives - but also make that sure the one you prefer is the "Lesser of Two Evils."
2. When you present the options to your prospect, start with the "greater" evil. That way, when you present the option you want him to choose, he will perceive it to be the one he wants.
3. If you've done a good job of making your case, the prospect will make the decision you want him to make almost immediately. If he doesn't jump on it right away, don't try to pressure him. Just sit back and be patient. Remember, the effectiveness of this technique is based on the fact that, psychologically, people like to feel that they are in control of their own decisions. If you push them, it's likely to backfire.
Persuading people to make the choices you want them to make isn't easy. However, if done right, the Lesser of Two Evils approach almost always works. The icing on the cake is that the people you use it with will be happy with the decisions they made "on their own."
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