Using phony scare tactics is almost always a bad idea. Honesty is a better policy.
The most effective way to do this is to come up with a scarcity tactic that's honest and sounds reasonable. That creates genuine urgency to get some prospects off the fence they're sitting on.
What you want to do is have a good reason behind thes carcity claim you're making.
Anybody can scream,"Quantities are limited!" You need to do more than that. For example, one way to create scarcity is to limit the number of copies of the product you sell.
But why are you limiting it? That's where you need a good reason so your claim doesn't sound like hype.
You might say something like this: "I struck a deal with a contributor to this that I would sell only 125 copies, so when they're gone, they're gone. Don't wait and miss out on this. When the doors close, I can't make exceptions."
Assuming you actually did strike a deal with a contributor like that, you've got a great scarcity claim to make. The point is, you don't want to whip prospects into a buying frenzy based on a false sense of urgency. If you develop a reputation for doing that, your scarcity claims will lose their effectiveness. You'll also get a reputation as somebody who screams about scarcity when it's really not scarce.
And by the way, when you make a scarcity claim, stick to it! If you say you'll take down the sales page by next Tuesday, don't leave it up until Wednesday. That will ruin your reputation fast.
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