...Who Want To Do What You Do Using The Internet
I am going to speak in terms that anyone can understand in this email. I am going to show you exactly how to get your network marketing business growing in the right direction starting today.
This is sprung from a recent experience thatI have had in helping my team grow and will most likely prove something very shocking to you. But let's leave the suspense until the end. Here are the basics to developing widespread relationships using the power of the internet.
At the basis you will need to build a list of subscribers or a newsletter. What this means is you need to have some sort of a lead capture page to direct traffic to. Now I get asked all the time . . . "What do I put on my lead capture page to get people to want to opt in?"
You need a HOOK and that's it.
If you're a network marketer and you want to develop a relationship with other network marketers then you create a lead capture page with a headline that is interesting to network marketers. For example . . . "How To Grow A Network Marketing Business Using The Power Of The Internet"
This is simple, but I guarantee you that if you put that on a lead capture page with an opt in box for people to get more information a certain percentage will opt in. I use this example just to illustrate that your lead capture page doesn't have to be written by the most expensive copywriter in town.
All you need to do is speak to the needs of the people you are trying to attract and give them a reason to want to learn more about the solution you have. I've filled out thousands of lead capture pages, just out of curiosity and I guarantee that there are millions more out there like me. So keep it simple and use it in the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander and watch We Provide The Cash grow!!!
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