Friday, January 30, 2009
Even The President Can't Help You Right Now
That's why thousands of smart Americans are now taking matters into their own hands and quietly moving just a little bit of their money into a home business like the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander.
One investment of as little as $697 has the realistic ability to quickly swell into a full year's salary in as little as a few months time - and then repeat over and over again.
Learn more at
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
What's Missing From YOUR Home Seller Assist Business?
But, in room 205 at least, something is missing...
The king-size bed has only one night table.
There are only four lamps in the living area - one standing in the middle of an empty wall - and no coffee table.
In the bathroom, only two towels (stacked in an open niche under the sink). And aside from one tiny hook two feet above the toilet, no towel racks or hangers.
To a person staying in that hotel room, it feels as though some designer had looked around and said, "Here's what you need in a hotel room." But that designer hadn't actually tried to USE the room to see if anything was lacking.
If you think your Home Seller Assist program business is immune to this problem, think again. Websites are often built by tech people who don't understand how an average user thinks.
So make sure you test everything - your site, your products, your store - to make sure it works as it's meant to. Better yet, have a friend, your spouse, and your grandma test things out for you. Get them to report back on what works, what doesn't, what's missing, and what's superfluous. You'll end up with a better product/site/whatever - and your customers will have a much better experience.
Which leads to trust... which leads to loyalty... which leads to more
We Provide The Cash sales.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
3 "starving crowd" markets...
Starving Crowd Market #1: Hobbyists
Hobbyists read about antique collecting or quilting not because they have to, but because they want to.
Those who are heavily "into" their hobby, whether that hobby is calligraphy or macrame, can't get enough of it. In these niches, a lot of competition is a good sign, not a negative sign... for two reasons.
First, it proves the niche is viable. If others are making money by selling information to this market, you can too.
Second, you can make joint venture deals with those other marketers to sell your products to their lists, and vice versa.
Starving Crowd Market #2: Business Opportunity Seekers
There is an insatiable appetite for information on how to make money in your spare time, start a home-based business like the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander, change careers, or earn a living without a job.
I believe business opportunity seekers can be divided into two groups.
The first group is doers. Doers are serious about changing their lives, and they actually pursue the course of action you recommend.
The second group is dreamers. Dreamers enjoy learning about small business, yet take no action beyond buying and reading how-to information products.
You can't usually distinguish between these segments of your market, but you really don't have to - because both consume an unending stream of info products.
Starving Crowd Market #3: Moneymaking and Investing
People have a nearly universal desire to make more money and increase their wealth. If you sell information that helps people get greater returns from their investments with less risk... or accumulate a seven-figure net worth... or become financially independent... you will never run out of eager buyers.
Of course, there are other starving-crowd niches for information marketers, including: self-help... relationships... sex... health... beauty... fashion... fitness... and weight loss. But the three above - hobbies, business opportunities, and moneymaking - are by far the largest and most active.
One of the biggest mistakes beginning information marketers make is choosing, as their primary niche, a market that is not a starving crowd.
Reason: Without a starving crowd of buyers, you will always be fighting an uphill battle to peddle your info products. And you will be forever frustrated that your prospects aren't buying your valuable information when you know it's stuff they absolutely should have. That's why We Provide The Cash created by John Alexander is spreading like wildfire across the nation and thousands are tuning in for each webcast on Tues and Wed at 8pm Eastern.
But people don't readily do what they should do - or what you think is good for them. They are much more easily convinced to buy what they already want... rather than what you think they need.
And when you select as your primary niche in information marketing a starving crowd... like hobbyists, business opportunity seekers, or wealth seekers... you can sell your prospects the stuff they want - over and over again.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Ideas That Will Make Your Business Soar
If you're not constantly searching for new ideas - and applying them to your business - you'll get trampled by businesses that do.
1. "Get out of the office and into some generalized business environment several times a year." Industry functions would be a great place to meet like-minded businesspeople and hobnob with successful business mentors.
2. "Seek out and question successful colleagues, competitors, and others - even if you don't especially like them."
3. "Be attentive to what they say. Sometimes, what seems like an innocuous comment can trigger a great idea if you listen hard - and think while you listen."
Friday, January 23, 2009
Sell Your Home in 2-Weeks???
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Learn More By Tapping Here and sell your house before the price falls even more!
There Is Only One Person You Can Trust

If we've learned one thing from the current economic mess it's that:
You can't rely on your Employer...
You can't rely on Wall Street and Banking...
And you SURE AS HECK can't rely on Uncle Sam.
So who does that leave? YOU! You and only you.
Self-reliance is the new job. Self-reliance is the new 401(k). Self-reliance is what guarantees your kids' college educations and pays the mortgage.
When other investments are tanking, self-reliance means investing in yourself. And with the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander (also known as We Provide The Cash you could be making $100,000+ a year working just a few hours per week!
Learn more here.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Social Media Marketing
Nothing could be further from the truth. While there are some sites like MySpace™ and others that were originally created to cater exclusively to teenagers, many of them are now attracting older participants.
And although there are literally thousands of social sites out there today, once you determine the goals and objectives of your social media efforts, you’ll be able to narrow down the list to a select few that will concentrate on your target market.
Social Media Myth #2 - Social Media is Just a Fad
When the Internet first arrived on the scene, it was all about providing information and selling "stuff". And while that is still a large part, Web 2.0 is all about users interacting with each other and consumer generated content.
When 6 out the top 10 websites in the world are social sites and they are getting 1 billion visitors a month and growing, I guarantee this is not a fad. This is Web 2.0, the future! And the best part is, that you have the opportunity to learn about it and get involved
in it while it is still relatively new.
Social Media Myth #3 - Social Strategies Are Just for Big Companies
The Internet is the great equalizer. You are what your customers and prospects see, hear and read on line. If you make great products or provide great services and you can reach the right audience through a compelling social media strategy, then your company will benefit with more exposure, higher brand awareness and of course increased sales.
My advice is not to worry about what the big boys are doing, do what you need to do to grow your business and believe me you need to be doing social media marketing. Social media is a great "guerrilla marketing" tool that you can take advantage of and start reaping the benefits from very quickly.
Social Media Myth #4 - Social Media Marketing Will Cost a Lot of Money to Implement
The good news is that creating and implementing a social media-marketing plan does not have to cost a lot of money. As a matter of fact most social media websites cost nothing to join.
Now don’t get me wrong, as with anything, you’ll certainly have to devote an adequate amount of time and resources to be effective, but in actual hard dollars and cents, your
investment can be quite minimal.
Social Media Myth #5 - Social Media Marketing is Primarily Used for Finding Friends and Sharing Video and Photos
While YouTube™, Flickr™, Facebook™ and other similar sites are indeed used to find friends and share experiences, photos and videos, many savvy marketers are finding that they can
connect with groups, users, fans and enthusiasts.
How? By providing free information that members might find useful or enhance their experiences. These types of sites should not be overlooked as a way to open 2-way dialogs with your target market
Social Media Myth #6 - You Have to be a Marketing Whiz or Computer Geek to Effectively Use Social Media
Once again, not true. If you can surf the Internet, buy a book on Amazon and read blogs, you have the skills needed to benefit from social media. Frankly, the most important thing you need to help your company get involved in social media marketing is the desire to learn and the time to implement some very basic ideas and strategies.
Now, are there more advanced features on some of these sites? Sure, but even those can be applied by just asking current users or reading instructions that many of the sites themselves provide. I'm telling you, this is not rocket science!
As President of Street Smart Sales and Marketing, David Carleton specializes lead generation and social media marketing and is the creator of the Increase Sales With Social Media event. To learn more go to
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
New Year's Resolutions
The parties of the season are in full swing and the decorations that adorn everything that will provide support seem to bring an air of festivity into the moment. The office gatherings and unending supply of delicacies that appear in every break room show us that Christmas is here. There will be carols sung and greetings exchanged and the politically correct needs of the times we live in will force some to be more vocal than others.
All in the name of a season and the emotions that another year of endings will bring to families everywhere.Those that have had a good year will give more to charity and those that are skeptical of the year they have had will put away some of what they have amassed for a rainy day. Some nations will embrace the newness of administrative change with excitement while other nations will adopt a wait and see attitude before commenting on anything.
Some businesses will focus on the good and continue to invest in their strategies and their people, while others will be forced to reduce their work force to stay economically viable. Some of it will seem fair and some of it unfair. All this in the name of the economy that has seen a year of tumult as progressive people seemed to cling to regressive ideas.Then there are the hopeful. Every year they make a new resolution to ensure that this year is not a repetition of last year. Wearing last year’s clothes, and using last year’s ink, they write on last year’s paper while trying to forgive themselves for coming up short on last year’s resolutions.
This year make a commitment to set goals instead of making more resolutions. A weight loss goal with an organized program will prevent you from falling prey to the so-called voices of reason who do not walk the talk. Just like commenting on the state of poverty from a gated compound seems like an oxymoron, taking advice from those that have not lived it is also foolish.If you want to change your life in 2009, change the way you listen and think. Change what you read and when you read. Change who you listen to and what you listen to on the radio.
As Zig Ziglar says, “If you keep on doing what you’ve been doing, you will keep on getting what you’ve been getting. If you don’t like what you’ve been getting, you might consider changing what you’ve been doing.” Make a new resolution for change that comes from within.
Don’t let the world change around you without changing the world within you. “You are the change that the man in the mirror wants to see.”Krish Dhanam is the Director of International Operations for Ziglar. Krish is a featured speaker along with Zig at the Get Motivated Seminars. He is an author, consultant, and blogger.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Kurt Warner and the Cardinals Win and...

Case In Point:
Have you ever just thought about making money as a game?
In every game there's offense and defense.
With making money your actions are your offense...they are what 'scores' the goals for you.
Your defense then must be your mindset. You've got to keep outside influences from eating up the profits.
Let me explain:
All the things in your past and present which are outside of you become external influences. If there are things in your past or your present which 'bring you down' in regards to your thoughts about money they must be stopped!
You must learn how to turn everything into a win. Experiences in your past which you'd rather not repeat must be turned into 'strengthening exercises.'
Now instead of struggling, or having had struggles, you can now say you have had many strengthening exercises.
Now you've just turned a loss into a win!
If you can do that with one thing, you can do it with everything.
When you do this, everything becomes a win to you. When you believe you are a winner you BECOME a winner.
It's as simple as that. Learn to make turning losses into wins. Make it a game and then WIN!
Follow this advice and watch what happens to your bank account.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
You choose to dream.
You choose to dream.
You choose to hope for more out of life.
You close your eyes and you see something better than the current situation and you KNOW it's possible and you reach for it. Why are you reading this? You are a network marketer and you dream of success and you dream of prosperity and you want to learn how to attain it. You're here because you're playing offense.
You saw a problem and you actively sought out a solution.
You didn't wait for someone to spoon feed you the solution or go and solve it for you,rather you proactively sought out the solution yourself.
Do you know how special this makes you? Most people wait to be told what to do so they don't have to think for themselves. You didn't, you independently sought a solution to creating wealth and prosperity through network marketing and the new Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander because you dream for more out of life. (
You're NOT greedy. You don't dream of these things because you think they will make you a better person or because you must have the material wealth that they bring. In fact, the exact opposite is true.
You WILL attain prosperity and all that comes with it because you have the courage to have a dream AND you take action on it. You dream despite what they say. THEY tell you you're crazy. THEY tell you it's not possible. THEY tell you you're just wasting your time. THEY tell you that you're just going to end up broke. And then . . . They watch to see what happens.
So that if you hit a hurdle THEY can say "I told you that would happen." THEY offer no help. But you know why . . . You know they say these things because they're too scared to dream themselves. They live life passively. They play the game of life on defense. They get a job and wait for someone to give them a raise. You play the game of life on offense. You go and find a way to create your own raise. You want to help the world by creating and spreading value to and for others. They want the world to create value for them so that someone will give them a deal.
Do you now see the difference between you and them? I do. Here's what's funny to me. Why do the same people that tell you you can't achieve something in life quickly forget all of their critical remarks and shower you with praise when you do achieve your dreams and then ask if you could teach them how to do what you did? Funny how things work out right?
All I want to let you know is that you are here because you are a dreamer. Your dream gives you power. Your dream makes you a leader. Your dream gives you freedom. Your dream insures your success. Lead and they will follow. You are my inspiration. You are my fuel. You give me courage. And . . . I thank you for it.
Get started now:
Friday, January 16, 2009
Does feel like every day is ground hog day...
You set a plan for what you want to get done with the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander and it never does, but you keep setting that plan each day, then you're in trouble.
If you let yourself get distracted by little things, or you always choose to do the thing that's easiest first, you're in trouble.
Ask yourself what's going to be the toughest thing I can get done today and proactively start with that work and leave all else to be done afterwards.
Otherwise, you'll find nothing ever really gets done. A coach once told me something that I think you should remember as you go through your daily tasks today . . .
"The harder you are on yourself the easier life is on you."
Live life and work your business that way each day and you'll find nothing truer.
If getting your business going, recruiting, or generating leads IS that thing that's holding you back, that ONE hard thing that just isn't getting done, take the proactive action right now to get started by following me at and
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Secret To Creating Massive Duplication And Retention Now
Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander, will benefit from this.
It begins with this, what duplicates in your business is not so much what you do, but who you are. If you are aloof and non responsive to your team members that's going to duplicate down the line and well that's not what you want.
The power comes in when we talk about the opposite end of the spectrum. When you give your team 110% of you, they do the same for their team. This creates massive excitement, massive action, and huge results including increased retention. But what does giving 110% mean? It means when a team member needs you, you respond. It means when a team member doesn't know they need you, you respond. And always on their level . . .
I've had all types come into my team, some who like to communicate on the phone, some who like IM, some who like email. It's all good with me. When it comes to communication on a one on one basis, I go where my team members take me. But it goes further . . .
Keep a separate autoresponder that has the email address of all the members of you team. Email them as often as you like. Whenever you have something great that's worked for, you email it to them all so they can follow suit.
When you feel team moral isn't high it's your job to motivate them, share your vision and your dream with them. This one is HUGE! When a member of your team does something amazing make sure you email it to everyone.
This does two things
1. The person you are holding up to the light deserves the spotlight and will love it.
2. The other members of the team will see that it's possible, and gain confidence in the success of their peer. Get an online conference room or a teleconference bridge. Do weekly team meetings. Share best practices.
All these things create an amazing team dynamic and if you do them consistently you start to see your business come alive as if it was it's own living breathing entity.
That's the magic! When people ask how heck did you grow such a large team in six months. It's not because of me, it's because I have a great group of people I'm working with. There is great power in team work, use it, and leverage it to it's fullest.
A Little Personality Goes a Long Way
Getting people's attention is a big part of success in the business world. As Internet marketing expert Yanik Silver says, "If you want people to remember [you] and keep coming back again and again, [you have] to project a unique personality."
You can develop a distinct personality for your business in thousands of ways - some of them very small. Take, for instance, a Holiday Inn Select I stayed in recently...
Instead of providing hotel guests with ordinary "Do Not Disturb" signs to hang on their doors, theirs say something like, "I'm much too comfortable to answer the door right now. Please come back later."
Not only is the hanger fun, it reaffirms one of the big benefits Holiday Inn is trying to convey with its brand - luxurious comfort. It fits in quite nicely with the plush beds and large rooms.
According to Yanik, your personality should be "plugged into every nook and cranny" of your business. That extends to your website, your e-newsletter - and even details as small as your door hangers. That's what I try and do with the Home Seller Assist program which was created by John Alexander and it seems to be working.
Take a look at your business. Where can you add more personality?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Poor Open rate: What am I missing here?
Catching people at the right time and getting through spam filters is an ever-changing hurdle that us marketing people have to face.
If I can make a recommendation, try sending out "time-sensitive" info a bit earlier and then follow it up with a reminder and, if applicable, another reminder.
When doing this, however, watch unsubscribe rates and make sure you are sending this only to people who have not opened the email yet (non-responders).
If you notice the unsubscribe rate increasing back off to 2 or 3 emails for each promotion. Try this when working the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander and also known as We Provide The Cash. The compensation plan is outlined in a video at
Monday, January 12, 2009
Find Your Passion.
Write down all the reasons you love your products or services
Tell others the story of why you became an entrepreneur
Imagine what you want your business to look like in 5 years (even if it's unrealistic... perhaps especially if it's unrealistic!)
Read inspirational books, blogs, and articles about small business ownership
Take time to rejuvenate
Look, you became an entrepreneur for a reason. And, how you feel about your company is going to be reflected in the risks you'll take, the way you interact with your customers, and the amount of money you bring in!
Ray Kroc (founder of McDonald's) said, "If you work just for the money, you'll never make it, but if you love what you're doing, and always put the customer first, success will be yours."
Be passionate! Be excited! Learn to love your business, your customers, and the simple joys of small business ownership. Pass that passion on to your employees and customers, and you'll see a phenomenal difference in the growth and success of your business!
This is what get's me excited and passionate:
Saturday, January 10, 2009
How To Build A Relationship With 1000s Online . . .
...Who Want To Do What You Do Using The Internet
I am going to speak in terms that anyone can understand in this email. I am going to show you exactly how to get your network marketing business growing in the right direction starting today.
This is sprung from a recent experience thatI have had in helping my team grow and will most likely prove something very shocking to you. But let's leave the suspense until the end. Here are the basics to developing widespread relationships using the power of the internet.
At the basis you will need to build a list of subscribers or a newsletter. What this means is you need to have some sort of a lead capture page to direct traffic to. Now I get asked all the time . . . "What do I put on my lead capture page to get people to want to opt in?"
You need a HOOK and that's it.
If you're a network marketer and you want to develop a relationship with other network marketers then you create a lead capture page with a headline that is interesting to network marketers. For example . . . "How To Grow A Network Marketing Business Using The Power Of The Internet"
This is simple, but I guarantee you that if you put that on a lead capture page with an opt in box for people to get more information a certain percentage will opt in. I use this example just to illustrate that your lead capture page doesn't have to be written by the most expensive copywriter in town.
All you need to do is speak to the needs of the people you are trying to attract and give them a reason to want to learn more about the solution you have. I've filled out thousands of lead capture pages, just out of curiosity and I guarantee that there are millions more out there like me. So keep it simple and use it in the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander and watch We Provide The Cash grow!!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Start your own mailing list
Your mailing list and blog should market each other, which means you’ll want to add links to the Home Seller Assist program and We Provide The Cash to cross-promote both and any other products or services you want to sell.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Writing Your First Ad

Creating your first ad if you've never created one before can seem easy at first
but it takes some planning and forethought before you even begin to type.
Keep these things in mind when writing an ad for the
Home Seller Assist program, which was created by John Alexander and is also known as We Provide The Cash .
* A person needs to see a specific ad up to 7 times to feel familiar with it and
make a buying decision. Therefore, if your ad has only been seen once, you
shouldn't expect anyone to buy from you. They'll need to see it six more times to
feel comfortable enough to take advantage of your offer.
* We are more likely to buy an item if the product or service has been endorsed
by some known personality.
* People enjoy thinking about themselves most of the time. They think about
problems they have and things they want. Therefore, successful ads list
They tell them what the product will do for them and what they will lose if they
don't have it.
* Everyone wants to get things cheaper than they are being sold for. Try
offering discounts for your first buying customers, or free delivery or free samples.
* We quite often make our decision based on direct embedded commands in the
surrounding environment. When you see a green light you proceed forward.
When you see a red light you stop. When someone looks at you and smiles you
will smile back. To take advantage of this, use commands in your ad. Say
something like Click Here or Select One Item from the list. People will
subconsciously follow your commands.
* People like to see other people who are enthusiastic and happy. Express
happiness in your ad and enthusiasm. Demonstrate how the product will bring
them happiness.
* The net feels very anonymous. It is harder to gain somebody's trust on the net
than in real life. Always display a phone number in the ad that customers can
call with any questions if they want.
* Don't use misleading headlines. You might get a visitor to your site but you
will make him/her angry and you will guarantee that they won't use your site in the
future. E.g. Your account has been deleted will not generate a sale.
* Don't exaggerate in your ads. This will usually have an adverse effect on
* Don't list features of your product or service. Instead list benefits.
* Don't use your name in the heading unless you are a known brand name in the
niche area.
* Don't use italics in your ad heading. They are harder to read and will likely
be skipped.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Will Peyton Manning and the Colts Prosper with the Home Seller Assist program
The Indianapolis Colts quarterback was a landslide winner Friday in balloting by a nationwide panel of 50 sports writers and broadcasters who cover the NFL. Manning also was the league MVP in 2003, when he shared it with Tennessee quarterback Steve McNair, and in 2004.
And now you can become a valuable player in the Home Seller Assist program which was created by John Alexander and also known as We Provide The Cash.
“I know it’s an individual award, but … truly, in my opinion, a team award,” said Manning, who received 32 votes, far ahead of Miami quarterback Chad Pennington (4) and Atlanta running back Michael Turner (4).
Thursday, January 1, 2009
John Daly and the PGA tour wish they knew about The Best Feeling in the World
That's one thing we don't have to worry about with the Home Seller Assist program which was created by John Alexander.
Accomplishing a simple goal can have powerful, long-lasting results...
Once you finally learn to play the trumpet, or start a business, or get promoted to CEO, or get your pre-baby body back...
You'll notice that people start treating you differently. They'll respect you more. They'll compliment you. They might even try to imitate your success.
And the way you'll feel about yourself is unparalleled. You'll have new confidence. New happiness. Some new stress, perhaps. But new pride in yourself and your abilities.
Achieving a goal you've had for years... There's nothing quite like it.
It's time for you to feel proud of yourself.