Sunday, November 30, 2008
How to Market Your FSBO Home
There are many different things you can do to market a home. The number one is to use as many forms of media as possible to create maximum exposure for a home that is for sale. Because marketing is key to getting a home sold you will want to take the time when preparing a marketing plan. Advertising budget is always a concern but with the growth of the internet your options are plentiful and often free. Research your options so you can get the most bang for your buck. Be careful not to spend your time or money on services you don't need.
Here is a list of FSBO marketing ideas:
1) Signs: Of course this is number one - make your signs simple with basic contact information like the phone number. Your number should be large and easy to read for potential buyers driving by searching the area for a home.
2) Free Online Local Classified Ads: There are many communities that have started free classified websites. (Free)
3) Open Houses: They can help but they're not the best way to market your home. Many of the people coming to your home are neighbors or people that are not true committed buyers. That can be useful in some ways because they may share their knowledge with someone who is actually looking. Do not dis count this method though because only one person needs to like your home to find a potential buyer.
4) Using the Internet: The internet is the ultimate media source for creating exposure. It is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reach buyers. Most home buyers start (85%) their search online. There are several ways to advertise on-line. There are many for sale by owner websites and the key is to get your home on as many as possible. The main drawback is this may take you sometime but it is key to getting your home in the public eye. Many of these FSBO websites will allow you to list your home for free. Unlike in the past many of these FSBO sites now share their information and can get you placed on partner websites automatically.
5) CraigsList: You can post your property for free on CraigsList. Go to and make sure to select your city first. The draw back to this site is that you need to post frequently since listings are sorted by date.
6) Virtual Tour: The Virtual Tour is a great option. The virtual tour can give your prospective buyer a much better idea of what the interior of your home looks like. You may also want to consider posting several videos of your home for sale. This is a great high traffic website that can allow you to link to your online listing from the video.
7) Multiple Listing Service (MLS): Perhaps the best tool to market your home is the MLS. MLS listings are generally pulled by major websites like, and almost all real estate firm websites. To get listed you need to go through a real estate broker. There are many brokers that will list your property on MLS for a flat fee.
The best thing to remember is that as a FSBO seller you need to have a proactive approach to selling your home. There is no reason that you can not have the same number of eyeballs looking at your home online than if listed with a full service broker. You may have some minor costs establishing your online presence but it will be a fraction of the commissions paid to a traditional broker.
Michael Ranger is currently Director of Operations for and Alliance Marketing Concepts, LLC. 24hourFSBO is a real estate marketing website that offers homeowners the information and tools need to sell their home by owner.Ranger has spent many years in the real estate industry as a very successful realestate broker. Ranger has received many awards and acknowledgments for his level of service and production.
How To Get A Free Fsbo Listing
Article Source:
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Compound Money by Flipping Houses
Start by purchasing an inexpensive fixer-upper. Sometimes repossessed HUD homes or houses purchased in government sales are a good bet. You can even get some of these homes for no money down. Then, you fix it up and resell it yourself. It is important to not cut corners when you repair or fix up a house, as it has to meet certain government standards. You also want to garner a good reputation in the community, so as you grow your house-flipping business, more people will want to buy your properties.
This is a great way to compound your money. Let's say that you have $100,000 to start with. You purchase a dilapidated house for $60,000 and spend the rest of your money fixing it up. Once all is said and done, the market value of the house goes up to twice it's original worth. You can sell it, make $20,000 and pocket the money. Then, you're still left with your original investment cash and you can flip another house!
If you are smart, motivated, and willing to take chances, flipping houses is a tried and true way to compound money in the real estate market.
If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read the amazing, true story, in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.
Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program.
Article Source:
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Short Sales from A-Z This Saturday Morning
Special Note: This information is coming from an
exclusive source and is not generally available
to the rest of the public will not be presented
again in order to keep it confined to only a select
This Saturday morning (time not yet set) all Platinum
level members will receive live training on how to do short sales
from A-Z and how to incorporate the 1% funds to purchase an unlimited
amount of short sales and you will also gain access to members only
title company that knows how to close out short sale flips in ALL 50 states.
The live webcast training will take place at
Register now!
You will be notified of the starting time. Register now!
Please have a notepad near you and if you miss some
details, you will be provided with a video of the
presentation for you exclusive use only
See you there, this will be great.
Larry Potter
PS: 1% Funds Available for REOs too
Are Your Subject Lines Getting Short Shrift?

According to an EROI survey, three-fourths of marketers try to make sure their subject lines are relevant to the content of the e-mail. Half of marketers try to keep their subject lines short. But only one quarter of marketers test their subject lines regularly.
What’s the big deal? After all, the subject line is such a small bit of copy in the greater scheme of things… But you might want to reconsider how much time you devote to this little headline.
The fact is, your subject line could make the difference between whether your customer reads your sales letter… or sends your e-mail straight to her trash folder.
And if your customer isn’t reading your sales copy, you’ve just lost a potential sale.
How can you make your subject lines appealing to your readers?
You can find plenty of ideas about how to make subject lines stronger. But the only way to REALLY KNOW what’s working is to test.
Split your e-mail list into two parts. (This works best if you have a list of 100,000 or more.) Send the exact same e-mail to your entire list - but send one subject line to half your list, and another subject line to the other half.
And measure your results. Find out how many of your subscribers are opening your e-mails. Look for patterns. Do short subject lines have a higher open rate than long subject lines? Do questions get people to open their e-mails more frequently? Does using someone’s name influence open rates? Then test your assumptions and increase your Home Seller Assist
If you’re not testing your subject lines, you could be missing out on hundreds - even thousands - of potential sales.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Power-Packed Headline
But of all the things you do to produce a sale, nothing equals your headline when it comes to pushing response through the roof. In my 33 years in this business, I've seen great new headlines produce 25%, 35%, even 45% lifts in response and ROI.
Why are heads so important? Two reasons:
First, your headline is the demurely raised eyebrow ... the whisper in the ear ... the tap on the shoulder ... or the shrieking air raid horn (remember those?) that makes it impossible for your prospect to look at anyone but you. (More precisely, at anyone's ad but yours.)
Second, your headline is the gateway to your sales copy. It is what persuades your prospect to read your sales message.
When you study the most effective headlines ever written, you can't help but notice that they accomplish these twin tasks by offering the reader a BRIBE - a strong benefit in exchange for reading the sales message.
Whether explicit or implicit, shouted or whispered, the best heads you'll ever read - or write - will be a proposed transaction: "Read this ... and this very specific, very wonderful thing will happen for you."
Allow me to show you three of the most powerful headline techniques ever - approaches that have produced huge winners for the big shots (and, yes, for me too).
1. Pure benefit headlines present only the primary practical benefit offered by the product.
"Who else wants a whiter wash- with no hard work?"
Once upon a time, pure benefit headlines were all the rage. And they worked. But today's prospects are being offered identical benefits by dozens, scores, or hundreds of competing advertisers.
Unless the benefit you're offering is truly unique - or presented in a very unique and intriguing way - you'll need to do more than just present or imply a benefit.
Here's how John Carlton turned a benefit head into something absolutely unique, and made his ad a must-read:
"Amazing Secret Discovered by One-Legged Golfer Adds 50 Yards to Your Drives, Eliminates Hooks and Slices... and Can Slash Up to 10 Strokes From Your Game Almost Overnight"
2. Pure emotion heads directly address the emotional need, frustration, or fear that the product's primary benefit addresses - only hinting at the practical benefit.
"Tell The 'Health Police' To Take A Flying Leap – And Return To Life's GUILTIEST PLEASURES!"
Pure emotion heads have worked very well for me. But ONLY when they are followed immediately with a strong presentation of the benefits that are being promised.
3. Combined benefit/emotion heads present the product's chief benefit and either imply or state the emotional payoff for the reader.
"Laugh All The Way To The Gas Pump!How rising gas prices can make you up to 307% richer in 2006"
Regardless of whether your headline is pure benefit, pure emotion, or a combination of the two, there are dozens of ways to give it greater selling power.
Here are a few ...
Present a proposition: Great propositions make a statement that the reader already believes and tantalize him with the implications of that statement.
"For every illness, there is a country where it simply doesn't exist ..."
Propose a transaction: Transaction heads add credibility to your promised benefit by disclosing that you're asking something from the reader in return.
"Read This Now ...Or Kiss Your Money GOODBYE!"
Use specificity to create credibility: Include specific facts or connect your headline to a current news event.
"1,384 'ENRONS' Are NowRacing Toward BANKRUPTCY"
Get the prospect's natural curiosity working for you: Intrigue and curiosity heads tease the benefit or begin the conversation by telling a fascinating story.
"How I Made a Fortune With a Fool Idea"
Try this. Sit down with a headline you're working on now and ask yourself these six questions:
1. Does your headline offer the reader a reward for reading your sales copy?
2. What specifics could you add to make your headline more intriguing and believable?
3. Does your headline trigger a strong, actionable emotion the reader already has about the subject at hand?
4. Does your headline present a proposition that will instantly get your prospect nodding his or her head?
5. Could your headline benefit from the inclusion of a proposed transaction?
6. Could you add an element of intrigue to drive the prospect into your opening copy?
Spend 15 minutes on it ... and I'll bet you come up with something great!
Getting from where you are now to where you want to be requires a ...
Decide what you want your life to be (more free time, better financial picture, etc)
Be willing to start from where you are with your situation as it is now (you can't start from anywhere else)
Be willing to learn from others who have walked the path before you (this speeds things up)
Take actions when you can. If that's a little now it's completely OK as long as you seize opportunities when you have them to do more when the chance arises.
THAT is the single path that will take you where you want to go next.
Those who get off this path won't arrive anywhere they want to actually be, and they often struggle for much of their lives because of it.
Some people love to try to make this a lot more complicated but it really isn't complicated.
The path to success is narrow.
It is aligned with signs all pointing in the same direction.
The other paths you can choose to take lead to poverty... both financial poverty and emotional poverty as well (these are the paths of distraction, worry, blame, regret, being a victim, confusion, overwhelm, indecision and the list goes on).
These paths to poverty are covered with conflicting signs and thickets... they all lead to endless struggle.
So, stay the course based on what you want to achieve in YOUR life.
And don't forget the Home Seller Assist webcast hosted by John Alexander each
Tues and Wed at 8pm - Eastern.
Register Now!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Investor/Agent Disclosure

Well, the answer’s pretty simple. I just tell ‘em. Just tell ‘em, don’t make a big deal of it, and don’t worry about it.
The fact is, contrary to popular belief most folks just don’t care in the least if you’re licensed or not. And some folks actually seem to feel even better about it.
Here’s what to say…
…And usually in your very first conversation with a prospective client (i.e. motivated seller whose house you're scoping out)…
“By the way, I want to let you know that I am a licensed Realtor. So you know I’ve got a little formal training.
But also just to make sure we’re on the same page here I”m not here to try and list your house or anything like that… (smiling a little at this point) …I’m not here as your agent or anyone else’s other than my own. I’m here looking as a possible BUYER. Make sense?”
You bet! Many agents who are working the Home Seller Assist created by John Alexander, also
known as We Provide The Cash use this techinque.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Mortgage Marketing That Gives You a Competitive Edge

How are some loan officers getting such noticeable results? Their secret is consistent - they have loyalty from a handful of realtors. They always make it sound so easy too. "All you have to do is meet a few good realtors and treat them right." This is tough to do when realtors change lenders as often as they do. So how can you establish this kind of loyalty?
Is your marketing focused on the agent? You may think your mortgage marketing is terrific, but it is probably not focused tightly enough on agents. Your marketing needs to make the very best first impression, and most agents only care how much you can help them solve their problems. If you want agents to send clients your way, you are going to have to refocus on their needs.
Remember that you are in a service business, not a sales business. There is a significant difference between service and sales, and this difference greatly affects how your mortgage marketing should work. You have to understand an agent's problems before you can offer solutions.
If you are offering a promise of high-quality customer service to real estate agents, then there are two reasons why your message may not be getting through. First, real estate agents hear these kinds of messages all the time. When you are exposed to the same message again and again, the natural inclination is to simply ignore the message.
Second, agents have probably heard this promise from loan officers in the past and it wasn't delivered. Agents are getting frustrated with the declining professionalism in the industry today, and are less likely to trust loan officers as a result. You may have every intention of honoring your promises, but are still being ignored due to your competition's behavior.
Great loan officers close loans on time and provide high quality service, and although that's exactly what an agent wants, it is not enough to make you stand out. So how can you get your services across to them? Your service is not a tangible product, but the aim of good mortgage marketing is to make it tangible in their minds. It is always better to show them than to tell them.
If an agent gets to experience your quality of service firsthand, they are more likely to believe your promise of customer service for their clients. If you had a mortgage marketing system that promoted your service at every step of the process, this would make matters much easier. If you can spend more time on the things you do well, you can make more money and stop stressing out about your marketing strategy.
Jeffrey Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by getting referrals from real estate agents.
Click here to get a free Video Book. It shows Jeffrey's exclusive marketing solution for getting clients from real estate agents in as little as 30 days.
Visit us at
Article Source:
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Relief Starts to Trickle to Troubled Homeowners
Be at least three months behind on their mortgage payments
Owe the bank at least 90 percent of what the home is worth
Live in the home as a primary residence
Not be in bankruptcy
Be able to prove that they're not just trying to skip out on the loan
For those who qualify, banks could agree to lower the interest rate or extend the life of the loan in order to lower monthly payments and make the mortgage more affordable. But many troubled borrowers will still fall outside the new safety net, for a variety of reasons. Here's who is most likely to benefit:
Homeowners with decent income.
A new federal standard calls for the typical monthly mortgage payment to be no more than 38 percent of household income. Which means you have to have some income to start with.
At IndyMac, the California bank the FDIC took over this summer, an aggressive loan workout program has helped some struggling borrowers lower their monthly payment by an average of about $380. That might make a difference for working families just starting to slip under water or borrowers who could afford the payments under a low, introductory rate but are now struggling under a much higher reset rate. But it probably won't help people who have been laid off or whose income has fallen significantly. And so far, the feds are being careful not to forgive portions of a loan outright.
Borrowers who badger their bank. Government regulators say that one of the barriers to helping some of the most troubled homeowners is finding them—mainly because they don't seek help where it's available. So people who think they might qualify for a mortgage modification shouldn't wait for their bank to contact them: They should beat a path to the bank and demand help. And if it's not forthcoming right away, ask again.
People with their paperwork in order. One of the reasons it's taken so long to get a program in place to help homeowners is the potential for fraud and abuse. Regulators are trying to be careful that flippers, speculators, and people who can pay their mortgage but just want to wriggle out of their loans don't game the system. So anybody who shows up asking for a workout is likely to undergo a white-glove inspection. You'll have to prove that you work and live where you say you do, you're not juggling a portfolio of properties, and you're really in financial distress. The days of undocumented "no-doc" loans are long gone.
Borrowers with a loan held by the issuing bank. Unfortunately, this cuts out a lot of homeowners—and there's practically nothing they can do about it. Over recent years, the majority of mortgages have not been held by the bank that made the initial loan. Instead, they've been transmogrified into complex securities and sold to investors all over the world—a big contributor to the overall housing bust.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
3 top reasons someone will open an email you sent

The offer is relevant to their needs.
The email offers a good price on something they want.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Staying Focused on Your Goals
A good approach is to use the following formula:
1. Dedicate 25 percent of your allotted time to studying.
2. Dedicate 25 percent of your allotted time to observing.
3. Dedicate 50 percent of your allotted time to DOING!
And I think you'll find that the DOING part of the formula is integral to the studying and observing. This works great with the Home Seller Assist program created by John
Alexander and if you will work it continously, you'll succeed!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Rural Areas
Paul mentioned in our conference call on 11/07/08
which should be up on this site shortly.
It also has additional information on DTI , income ceiling etc.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Score Is Now 0-2
After gaining over 300 points on election day, once Obama was declared the winner, the Dow suffered its worst one day point decline in post election day trading history. It fell over 486 points yesterday and was down another 443 points today!. That's only 929 points in two days!!!
The recent calls on the possible 'Obama' affect on the markets over the past few weeks has now, in the wake of the election results, been clearly vindicated.
While the uncertainty surrounding the U.S. Presidential election outcome has been removed - which is why we saw the rally on Wall Street Tuesday - it obviously has been replaced with the uncertainty of what a Democratically controlled House, Senate and Presidency will mean for U.S. business.
Remember, Obama and the Democrats ran on an anti - business theme. They intentionally used a populist message to get elected and now those who put them in power will expect them to live up to their campaign rhetoric of 'sticking it to business' and 'leveling the playing field for the common man'. Problem with that rhetoric is that ignores economic science completely.
Truth is folks, the Reagan Revolution is probably now over. The concept that free markets provide the best opportunities for creating wealth in a society, thereby consistently and overwhelmingly raising the standard of living for that society, is done. Forget the facts and the obvious numbers that prove them (as we stated in earlier reports, from a $1 trillion a year economy to a $14 Trillion a year economy). America is now embarking on a road that will take us back to the future. We'll revisit the old stale economic policies of the early to mid twentieth century (oh sure, they'll be dressed up to look sexier, but make no mistake they'll still be the old tired, failed policies of a bygone era). Keynsian economics will be rule of the day and Milton Friedman will be forgotten.
This election was purely the result of one of the biggest fears our Founding Fathers had in crafting this great and wonderful social experiment called the United States of America. While that fear was not directly addressed in the words of the Declaration of Independence or in the original version of the U.S. Constitution, it was consistently spelled out in the writings of men like Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. They feared this. How do we create that Perfect Union - one that would give everyone a voice to elect their leaders - yet ensure those who are able to make that decision are informed? How do we know that those allowed to vote truly understand the issues of their day?
What we witnessed on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 was the culmination of those fears. It has been obvious for several presidential elections now (going back to at least 1992) that feeding off the fears of the masses, keeping them uneducated about the way not only their system of government works, but more importantly how their economy works, and using their emotions and their prejudices rather than their minds to make an informed decision about who their next leader(s) should be is the clearest and easiest path to power. Hollywood has used this theme for years to entertain us and keep us coming back for more. That's fine if you want to escape for a few hours into fantasy land, but it's sad if that's the motivation used to select the leaders of the free world.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Advantages From Bank Foreclosures For Sale
The first time buyers can start with very low investment and the people who want to invest in bank foreclosures; there is nothing much better than this. So investors can easily invest in this property and enhance your source of income.
When a mortgage loan is subsidized by a bank to a homeowner and he is not able to make payments then the property is taken back by the bank through the process of foreclosure. On the first default on the installment, the bank sends a "Notice of Default" to make the owner aware of the fact that his property is undergoing foreclosure. Then a legal proceeding is performed with a court order called "Right of Redemption" by which the asset of the owner is sold at an auction.
Bank Foreclosures for Sale are those assets that have already undergone foreclosure and have been returned back to the bank on negligible bids being put up. The opening bid is, generally, kept as the outstanding balance of the mortgage loan. If the successful bidder puts a big offer then the bank is highly profited and if the bid is less than the outstanding loan then the property is given back to the bank.
Now-a-days there are numerous bank foreclosures for sale, to choose from because the rate of foreclosures have increased up to forty percent, from last two years.
When the banks have a huge inventory of bank foreclosures, it gives us an idea about the bad lending judgments made by the bank and the banks never want to spoil the picture in the market. Moreover the banks want to recuperate the money back that was lost in bank foreclosures, their maintenance, taxes, insurance and lot more. So due to such reasons the bank put up bank foreclosures for sale and sells these assets at very low prices. At this moment, the bank tries to get rid of the bank foreclosures, which proves to be very beneficial for buyers and investors.
Now-a-days internet is providing an unproblematic access to different websites that are providing large databases which comprise of various bank foreclosures for sale. The best part of surfing these websites is that the catalog including the latest bank foreclosures for sale is updated twice in a day, for the better convenience of buyers and investors. Just add your name as well as identification details at the website and enjoy the easy access. From these websites you can easily upload all the newest bank foreclosures for sale and furthermore, you can join in the live auctions. So freely search foreclosure databases from these websites and step forward in making a better living.
Article Source:
by Kevin Simpson
Monday, November 3, 2008
Transition Into Your New Business
You can put in as little as 2 to 3 hours a week in your new business, and still bring in nice profits fairly quickly - often in just a week or two. And once your business is bringing in enough income, you can quit your current job and focus full-time on your new business.
There's no limit on what you can make, and it is easier than ever to get started.
There is, however, a limit on how many people can attend the live webcast before the server cuts you out.
You'll learn why when checking out all the exciting details here.