This past week we received some numbers from Uncle Sam that truly need to be nominated for the Hugo awards. If you're not familiar with the Hugo's, The Hugo Awards, given annually since 1955, are science fiction’s most prestigious award.
I think it's fitting that we present the bean counters at the government with a Hugo, because this week we learned that second quarter GDP was up 3.3%.
This qualifies as the single greatest work of science fiction ever penned. While banks failed, while cars stopped being sold, while housing cratered, while the entire mortgage industry imploded, while layoffs rose, while bankruptcies rose, while foreclosures rose, while factory output fell, while, while, while..the GDP comes in up 3.3.
I figure that science fiction is the correct category for this rubbish, since they used some pretty alien equations to come up with some pretty imaginary numbers!
What do you think.....????
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